Beppe Abela


Suspect #1
Às vésperas de um levante em Jerusalém, surgem rumores de que o Messias judeu ressuscitou. Um centurião romano agnóstico e cético é enviado por Pôncio Pilatos para investigar a ressurreição e localizar o corpo desaparecido do já falecido e crucificado Jesus de Nazaré, a fim de subjulgar a revolta eminente. Conforme ele apura os fatos e ouve depoimentos, suas dúvidas sobre o evento milagroso começam a sumir.
I Was, Already
The film’s storyline is one many returned Maltese migrants will no doubt associate with: it’s about a young free-spirited artist, Karl, who returns to his home island Malta after a long time away. It covers his personal journey discovering his roots. Reliving old habits with friends and memories from his childhood, this journey leads him to re-visit his past with his ex-girlfriend, and then with a new friend, Anna, through whom he visits his old home in Gozo, now a neglected house full of memories. Anna is his springboard for self reflection and becomes his reason for trying to start life again in Malta; a place he’s familiar with but is now seeing through different eyes.