Paul Maigret


A Mulher Pública
Production Manager
An inexperienced young actress is invited to play a role in a film based on Dostoyevsky's 'The Possessed'. The film director, a Czech immigrant in Paris, takes over her life, and in a short time she is unable to draw the line between acting and reality. She winds up playing a real-life role posing as the dead wife of another Czech immigrant, who is manipulated by the filmmaker into commiting a political assassination.
O Retorno de Martin Guerre
Production Director
Aldeia de Artigat, sul da França, verão de 1542, durante o reinado de François I. Martin Guerre e Bertrande de Rols se casam. Alguns anos mais tarde, acusado de ter cometido um roubo, Martin desaparece repentinamente. Quando, quase uma década depois, um homem chega a Artigat afirmando ser Martin, a família Guerre o reconhece como tal; mas logo começam a surgir dúvidas sobre sua verdadeira identidade.
Take It from the Top
Production Manager
Tired of being a housewife, Annie wants to work. Between her professional life and her responsibilities as a parent, she can no longer cope. She decides to leave and starts writing a memoir of her life...
Production Manager
This black-and-white film explores the dividing line between the theatrical imagination and everyday reality in its story of a narcissistic silent movie actor who believes his screen image as a great lover but is in fact a confused bisexual. His girlfriend, also an actress, is also caught up in the fuzzy space between fantasy and reality but feels this as a loss and tries to do something about it.
Lua Negra
Production Manager
Esta história freudiana sobre a sexualidade adolescente, ambientada em um mundo pós-apocalíptico de identidades mutáveis e animais falantes, é um dos filmes mais experimentais de Malle e um devaneio cinematográfico como nenhum outro.
Lacombe Lucien
Production Manager
Verão de 1944, interior da França. Sem conseguir ingressar na resistência, o jovem Lucien Lacombe passa a trabalhar para a polícia alemã, mesmo sabendo que o pai está sendo mantido prisioneiro na Alemanha. Sua vida muda quando ao conhecer France Horn, filha de um rico alfaiate judeu.