Darren Campbell


The Unloved
Lucy is eleven years old. Having been neglected by her estranged mother and father, she is placed in a children's home. Through her eyes, we follow her struggle to cope with the system; her only saving being her self-belief and certainty that she is being watched over and protected by the holy spirit.
O Forasteiro
O agente secreto Jonathon Cold está na França, onde trabalha para o milionário Alexander Morquest, mas planeja deixar o país e ir para a Polônia enterrar o pai recentemente morto. Morquest lhe pede um favor: entregar na Alemanha um pacote para Jerome Van Aiken, outro milionário. O conteúdo secreto atrai vários assassinos e Cold percebe que tem de estar um passo à frente dos outros para permanecer vivo.
In a typical English working-class town, the juveniles have nothing more to do than hang around in gangs. One day, Alan Darcy, a highly motivated man with the same kind of youth experience, starts trying to get the young people off the street and into doing something they can believe in: Boxing. Darcy opens a boxing club, aiming to bring the rival gangs together.