Sound Editor
Five unusual short stories in the almanac from Russian directors. Horror about the mystical school from Alexander Domogarov, Jr. (“Let the children go”). Erotic thriller "Ear Ring" with Lukerya Ilyashenko. Black comedy about the forest walk of two friends "Mushrooms and fish." Witty kinonovella "Che" on a spontaneous trip to St. Petersburg. The post-New Year story with Olga Sutulova and Marina Vasilyeva about finding the missing guy named Kostik.
Sound Director
Sound Director
Recording Supervision
Uma história pungente e trágica sobre eventos dos quais o próprio conde Liev Nikolaevitch Tolstói é um participante. O tenente da capital, Grigory Kolokoltsev, inspirado por ideias avançadas, é enviado para servir em um regimento de infantaria, no qual ocorre um crime de guerra. O soldado, sobre cujos ombros recai a culpa, enfrenta um tribunal militar. Kolokoltsev pede ajuda ao conde Tolstói, que decide proteger os inocentes. Uma história comovente sobre a complexidade das escolhas e a lealdade aos próprios ideais. Baseada em eventos reais.
Sound Editor
Urban Tale about love and stuff. Story about the impermanence of relationships adult kids. The story Of the eternal search for love and her inability to see. The story is About the inexplicable attraction and understandable breakup.
A group of Russian tourists go on a shopping spree to the neighboring Finland - only to be attacked by Finnish cannibals. We focus on a middle-aged woman and her teenage son who is shooting the film, as we watch it, on his cell-phone.
Boom Operator
Um programa criado pelo governo americano permite que milionários em busca de aventuras possam participar de operações militares reais ao pagarem uma enorme quantia em dinheiro. No entanto, as coisas não saem como planejado, expondo-os a um perigo real e obrigando o grupo de militares honorários à lutar para sobreviver.
Sound Mixer
Two twenty-year-olds meet each other in the sanatorium and fall in love. Ksenia is an alchoholic, Maxim is suicidal. Gradually it becomes clear that the characters, betrayed by their relatives, kept inside the sanatorium, constrained by regimes and the cult of work therapy, are healthier and freer than many of those who live outside.