Cesare Paciotti


O Disfarce do Imperador
Após a derrota em Waterloo, Napoleão Bonaparte (Ian Holm) é exilado na ilha de Santa Helena. Ali, os seus correligionários descobrem a existência de Eugene (Ian Holm), um sósia perfeito de Napoleão. Numa conspiração para reconquistar o poder, Eugene toma o lugar de Napoleão, enquanto o verdadeiro imperador regressa a Paris para recuperar o trono. Só que as coisas não ocorrem como planeado. Em Paris, onde é forçado a viver como um cidadão comum, Napoleão apaixona-se por uma bela viúva e ajuda-a na reconstrução dos seus negócios. Enquanto isso, Eugene, seduzido pelo poder, começa a gostar da sua nova e glamorosa personagem e não parece muito disposto a revelar a sua verdadeira identidade, como havia sido combinado.
The Great Pumpkin
Makeup Department Head
An epileptic 12-year-old girl, Pippi, is hospitalized in the psychiatric ward instead of the neurological ward, due to an administration error. Out of this mistake begins the difficult journey towards being cured.
Christmas Vacation '90
Makeup Artist
Several characters coincide during the Christmas holidays in the winter season of Saint Moritz.
Em Noite de Lua Cheia
Key Makeup Artist
An American journalist works for a French newspaper. He is writing an article about the reaction against people with AIDS, without knowing he is infected too. Once he finds out, he decides to cut off himself leaving his wife and daughter.
My Dearest Son
Makeup Artist
A respectable lawyer finds out his son is a heroin addict. Heartbroken, he'll do anything to help his only child, even if it means sharing his hell.
The Pleasure
Makeup Artist
Edgard has just lost his wife Eleonore he had met at the carnival in Venice. It evokes his memory by listening to tapes . His brother's wife Ursula and his son Edmond come to move in with him. If the teen tries to seduce his aunt, Ursula wants to replace Eleonore in the heart of Edgard . He refuses until the day Ursula sold at auction to local brothel ...
Makeup Artist
Five stories center on a werewolf, a feudal landlord, peasants, a ghost, and a mother and her sons.
The Soup
Makeup Artist
Rome, 1960. Four different people meet each other at the Olympics. They follow the games and become friends, talking about their sad lifes.
Leap Into the Void
Makeup Artist
Mauro, a judge, is worried about his older sister Marta, who took care of him since he was a boy, and now suffers from mental illness and suicidal thoughts. She seems to recover from her depression when Mauro acquaints her with Giovanni, a brilliant actor at the edge of legality. However, Mauro becomes unconsciously jealous of their relationship and tries to get Giovanni arrested.
Lovers and Liars
Makeup Artist
American actress on vacation in Italy falls for her friend's married Italian lover.
Amor e Ciúme
Makeup Artist
In pre-World War II Sicily, just as the fascists come to power, two men fall in love with the same woman. The changes in their country's politics ultimately take all three on a journey across the ocean to New York City.
Three Tigers Against Three Tigers
Makeup Artist
Don Cimbolano - a priest in a small town. Oscar - a offender escaped from prison. Philip - attorney loser. They don't lose heart and find ways out of the most incredible situations.
O Deserto dos Tártaros
Makeup Artist
Lieutenant Giovanni Drogo is assigned to the old Bastiani border fortress where he expects an imminent attack by nomadic fearsome Tartars.
O Porteiro da Noite
Makeup Artist
Treze anos após o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, a sobrevivente do campo de concentração Lucia (Charlotte Rampling) e seu torturador Max (Sir Dirk Bogarde), atualmente o porteiro noturno em um hotel de Viena, se reencontram e voltam ao relacionamento sadomasoquista.
O Poder da Inquisição - As Excomungadas de São Valentin
Makeup Artist
Acusado de heresia e perseguido por soldados, Esteban busca refúgio no convento local — o mesmo para onde sua namorada Lucita foi banida pelos pais. Para se reunir com ele, Lucita deve resistir a sedução de sua colega de cela lésbica e suportar as tormentas perturbadas da Inquisição.
All Screwed Up
Makeup Artist
A group of workers from the south of Italy live collectively in Milan, where money isn't everything, it's the only thing, in 1974.
Kill Them All and Come Back Alone
Assistant Makeup Artist
During the American Civil War, a Confederate prisoner, Clyde McKay, attempts to steal a box of gold from a Union prison camp. He is aided by a group of prisoners and a prison guard but he is double-crossed along the way.
Vou, Vejo E Disparo
Assistant Makeup Artist
O seu jogador Clay Watson, o atirador de artilharia convencido Moses Lang, e o astuto Edwin Kean são um trio de criminosos no Velho Oeste. O trio de "motley" é forçado a formar uma aliança inquieta para encontrar 400.000 dólares em dinheiro roubado.
A Batalha Que Salvou Um Império
Assistant Makeup Artist
An evil duke kidnaps the good king and tries to make the virtuous queen his bride and the peasants take arms.