Julio Vergne


522. Um Gato, Um Chinês e Meu Pai
Still Photographer
George, uma mulher cínica que sofre de agorafobia, limitada pela quantidade de 522 passos que consegue dar em sua casa, enfrenta a morte de seu único companheiro de verdade: o gato. Para garantir que os restos mortais do animalzinho sejam sepultados em um local adequado e superar sua doença, ela transfere a casa inteira para uma van e embarca em uma viagem à sua terra natal, Portugal. Lá, George descobrirá uma maneira particular de lidar com o passado e com a ausência do pai.
Executive Producer
Mark is a young Englishman who has just arrived on the coast of Cádiz, to visit his cousin Margaret, who has organized a barbecue with her friends. After lunch, Amaro invites Mark for a ride on his boat to see the coast from the sea. Mark, without thinking, lets himself be carried away; without knowing his life is about to change forever.
Lord, Give Me Patience
Still Photographer
An ultraconservative family father must spend a weekend with his dysfunctional children for the burial of his wife.
Pecados Antigos, Longas Sombras
Still Photographer
Um serial killer está à solta. Dois detetives de homicídios precisam resolver suas diferenças e trazer o assassino à justiça antes que mais mulheres jovens percam suas vidas.
No tiene Gracia
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
After many years, three childhood friends meet casually on the street and decide to have a beer to celebrate.
Rough Winds
Still Photographer
Two strangers flee from their past and settle in an urbanization on the Cádiz coast. There, hundreds of kilometers from Madrid, they try to rebuild their lives, even though the memories are still very strong.