Daniel de Zayas


Sound Recordist
Madrid, Spain, 1982. TV director Chicho Ibáñez Serrador asks André, a lousy actor playing a ventriloquist, to work with Charlie, a disturbing dummy.
The Journey of Javier Heraud
The life of the Peruvian poet Javier Heraud, who sadly passed at the young age of 21, told by his great-niece Tania through letters, poems and tales of shared times.
O Autor
Alvaro se separa de sua esposa, autora de romances de grande sucesso. Ele então decidiu trabalhar duro para realizar seu sonho de escrever um grande romance, mas ele tinha um grande obstáculo a superar: ele não tinha talento e imaginação. No entanto, um dia, ele percebe que este grande romance deve ser retirado da realidade e começa a manipular amigos e vizinhos, a fim de desenvolver um enredo intrigante. A situação, porém, logo ficará fora de controle e a história terá uma curva cada vez mais cinza.
Pecados Antigos, Longas Sombras
Sound Recordist
Um serial killer está à solta. Dois detetives de homicídios precisam resolver suas diferenças e trazer o assassino à justiça antes que mais mulheres jovens percam suas vidas.
The Painting Lesson
In Chile, during the 60´s, the son of a poor single teenage girl turns out to be a gifted painter. The man to discover his talent is the owner of the drugstore that lies in the outskirts of the small rural town, next to the railroad. He himself is an amateur painter who will try to make the boy into a great artist, like all the ones in his art books. From the pharmacists point of view in his old age, unfolds the story of this young boy who could have become a great art genius, had he not disappeared at the age of 13, along with all his works, on September 11th 1973, the day of the coupe d´état.
A father and son fishing team stumble across a body floating in the water. Simultaneously radar fails. As they retrieve the floating body, the answers are more frightening than the questions.
Rough Winds
Two strangers flee from their past and settle in an urbanization on the Cádiz coast. There, hundreds of kilometers from Madrid, they try to rebuild their lives, even though the memories are still very strong.
Presos del silencio
Los Díaz felices
Sound Effects
Every morning, during each breakfast, the Díaz family celebrates by singing of the extreme happiness they enjoy, even on those days that are sinister and stormy.