Terror strikes the underground train system in Moscow in the form of a flood from a collapsed tunnel. The film follows a diverse group of Moscow citizens who find themselves trapped in the city’s underground rail network, their train derailed and virtually crushed after an aging tunnel collapses. Amongst this band of survivors is softly spoken surgeon Andrey (Sergei Puskepalis), whose wife is having an affair with the conceited businessman Vlad (Anatoly Beliy). Fate brings these two men together on the same doomed train, but there is little time to resolve their differences, as the tunnel begins to quickly fill with water, forcing them to work together with the others and find a way back to the surface.
The film is based on real events that took place in Samara in 1956 and known as the "Standing Zoe." During the holiday girl, without waiting her betrothed, removes the icon from the wall and Nicholas begins to dance with her, but suddenly freezes in place. This state continues for many months. Residents of the provincial town are frightened by this extraordinary event, which is cluttered with rumors and speculation. To try to understand the situation, there goes metropolitan newspaper journalist ...
Rússia, 2003. O país mudou muito desde o fim da união soviética, mas ainda tem que lidar com fantasmas de seu passado. O coronel Fillip Fox Korenev é o encarregado de um grupo clandestino especializado em antiterrorismo, que agora terá a complicada missão de ajudar a polícia de uma cidade ao sul do país a resistir a uma tentativa de resgate diante de uma perigosa organização terrorista islâmica que deseja libertar seu líder a qualquer custo, nem que para isso tenha que destruir todo o lugar.