Scott Michael Schaffer


Welcome to the Circle
A random bear attack during a family camping trip leaves Greg (father) and Samantha (daughter) trapped by demon worshiping cult known as The Circle. Unbeknownst to all is that there's an infiltrator in the cults ranks. She is communication with a former member on the outside named Grady. Grady's plan is to lead a small group of rescuers into the heart of The Circle. But will they get there in time to save Greg, Samantha, and others from the demon known as Percy Stephens?
Super Velozes, Mega Furiosos
Assistant Editor
Policial disfarçado Lucas Branco junta gangue LA de Vin Serento de corredores de rua ilegais. Eles são rápidos e eles estão furiosos e eles planejam dobrar cruz chefão do crime LA Juan Carlos de la Sol, que esconde o seu dinheiro em um centro de Taco Bell. O gangues plano escandaloso é tão ousado como é ridículo e vai vê-los rebocar todo o restaurante maldita, a velocidades loucas.