Makeup Department Head
Misery money-lender Arpagone is looking to arrange three weddings simultaneously - to cut down on costs. One for himself and the others for his two children. Of course he doesn't approve of the choices his son and daughter have made and conspires to arrange more well to do spouses against their will. However, fate will prove itself to be on the side of true love, not of the greedy.
Makeup Artist
Vaguely inspired to the real story of boss of the Camorra's bosses Raffaele Cutolo, this is the story of the criminal career of "Il professore" (the professor). He is in prison, and by there he is able to build, step by step, an empire founded on murders and drugs. He starts a war to destroy all the old Camorra bosses and becoming the new "boss of the bosses". With his sister's help he manages to evade from prison and escape in New York. Here he starts immediately a new relationship with "Cosa Nostra" (Italian American Mafia). He is going to seat on the peak of the most powerful criminal organization, and the Italian authorities are almost impotent.
Makeup Artist
Ugo é um velho ator que se sente muito jovem para estar em uma "casa dos artistas". Ele simplesmente não pode suportar as regras dos outros velhos, então ele foge com uma menina.
Makeup Artist
Paolo has been reasonably happy for the past 10 years; he has a job at the university and has Sena as a lover all these years. When she suddenly decides to leave the relationship, it comes as a shock to him, and he desperately wants to know the reason. After a series of reconciliations and separations, he finally finds out and briefly has another apparently blissful relationship with Silva.
Makeup Artist
A background of rising fascism in Venice in 1930s. A music-student, Matthias, mixes with the town's bourgeoisie and falls in love with a mature teacher, Carla, the mother of his friend Renato, and then with his young colleague, Elena.
Makeup Artist
15 anos após o monumental "Os Monstros", que foi um excelente exemplo de comédia de episódios italiano, 3 dos maiores eternos diretores italianos (Risi, Monicelli, Scola), os melhores escritores italianos de todos os tempos (Age, Scarpelli), os melhores atores italianos de sempre (Tognazzi Gassmann, Sordi), uma das mulheres mais bonitas do mundo (Ornella Muti) participam desse grande tributo. (e 18 - Estimado 18 Anos)
O filme é dividido em 14 episódios: O Passarinho de Val Padana, Saudações dos Amigos, Tantum Ergo, Autostop, O Suspeito, Primeiros Socorros, Mamim e Mammon, Cidadão Exemplar, Pornodive, Sequestro de Amigo, Como Uma Rainha, Anfitriã!, Sem Palavras e Elogios Fúnebres.
4 Versões:
115 min - Itália 90 min - USA
100 min - Argentina
102 min - França
Makeup Artist
Inspirada por uma visão, uma mulher encontra um esqueleto emparedado na casa de seu marido. Após a vítima ser identificada, ele é preso como principal suspeito, e ela, para provar sua inocência, tenta, com a ajuda de um amigo parapsicólogo, descobrir a verdade por trás do crime.
Makeup Artist
Noblewoman Livia and her friend Marquis Cecco Ottobuoni take revenge against politician Fabrizio Siniscalchi, Livia's lover who dumped her for political reasons, by setting him up with a young prostitute Anna to cause a scandal.
Makeup Artist
Esta foi uma das maiores produções da década de 70, com a explosão de clássicos italianos de faroeste, Terence Hill interpreta Joe Thanks, o grande bandido "quase artista", e oponente do Major Cabot (McGoohan), que retrata um oficial desonesto da cavalaria, cujo plano de um grande massacre indígena, supostamente lhe trará grande lucro. O filme apresenta uma performance extraordinária por parte de Patrick McGoohan, além de uma participação especial ímpar de Klaus Kinski.
Makeup Artist
Fascism has forced the leadership of the Italian Communist Party to settle in Paris. In Italy arrests of militants are decimating the organization, so Emilio is sent on a mission in the area of Turin, to put out of harm whistleblowers.
Makeup Artist
Terence Hill e Bud Spencer estrelam esta comédia onde dois missionários resolvem seus problemas utlizando os punhos e o evangelho! Como de costume, os nossos heróis ajudam os pobres a defenderem-se e provocar algumas brigas engraçadas nesse meio tempo, o que os torna conhecidos no meio religioso como "ovelhas negras". Uma cativante comédia com a dupla explosiva!
Makeup Artist
Joe é um rapaz pacifista enviado pelo pai ao velho oeste para se tornar um homem de verdade, no entanto ele prefere poemas à armas e sua bicicleta ao invés do cavalo. Mas ele vai ter que aprender a se defender contra o malvado Morton.
Makeup Department Head
Doctor Gaudenzi, a real Sicilian manly man living in Rome, Italy, married the daughter of a wealthy industrialist. One day, his wife is about to die, and being very religious, she asks for a cardinal to perform the last rites and further demands that her husband pledges not to marry or be with other women after she dies. Constrained by the cardinal's presence, Gaudenzi promises, and she promptly dies. Later, as soon as he is about to fall in temptation when looking at sexy girls, strange things happen, finally convincing him that his jealous wife is watching from "out there". Gaudenzi decides to give up on his lusty life: he's returning to his Sicily home and, to be on the sure side, he asks to be injected with female hormones. That's when he meets a sexy woman no man can resist...
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
To satisfy his wife, an elderly man has to have a penis transplant and is willing to pay a lot to do so. Three men are selected who for different reasons are forced to accept but giving up manhood can be more complicated than expected.
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
The Mexican guerilla leader Tepepa and his gang fight against the chief of police, Cascorro.
Makeup Artist
German commandos are dropped behind enemy lines in the Sahara Desert tasked with getting to Casablanca in an assassination attempt on allied leaders.
Makeup Artist
Os eventos decisivos da guerra pela independência da Argélia, marco do processo de libertação das colônias européias na África. Entre 1954 e 1957 é mostrado o modo de agir dos dois lados do conflito, a Frente de Libertação Nacional e o exército francês. Enquanto que o exército usava técnicas de tortura e eliminava o maior número possível de rebeldes, a FLN desenvolvia técnicas não-convencionais de combate, baseadas na guerrilha e no terrorismo.
Makeup Artist
A 20th century European village is haunted by the ghost of a murderous little girl.
Makeup Artist
Satirical film in four episodes about family and marriage.
Makeup Artist
Four episodes: a traveler is enticed by train per bet; a professional wants to be alone with a woman he likes; a lawyer becomes the lover of an adversary; a man discovers his wife's infidelity after ten years.
Makeup Artist
A thief steals a suitcase but it contains a corpse and the thief is sentenced, but is released by the robbed doctor, who then subjects him to a facial plastic that makes him equal to a criminal.
Makeup Artist
Rolando, who was close to marrying the daughter of the Doge, is condemned after a highly unfair judicial process and locked up in Venice. Digging a tunnel with the aid of his cellmate, Rolando succeeds to escape.
Makeup Artist
Benvenuto Cellini knows no obstacles when it comes to creating a work of art or conquering the heart of a woman.
Makeup Artist
In 16th century Italy, on the Adriatic coast, the duchy of Doruzza is governed by a tyrannical duke, Zulian, and his haughty daughter, Isabella. When they commit a great injustice, a ship's captain and his daughter turn pirate to fight back for the people.