When the volatile Bo travels to Georgia to visit the grave of her father, a well-known trumpeter, she runs into his former childhood friend Levan. In search of her roots and a better understanding of her father, she decides to hitchhike in Levan's truck. Despite the age difference, they gently give in to the love they feel for each other. The melancholy trumpet playing of Bo's father accompanies their journey through the breathtaking Georgian landscape. In the end, they dare to trust each other to the point where both Bo and Levan share their darkest secrets.
Under the severe political regime a lead journalist is murdered, while the only private channel is literally bombed. In these circumstances a private political theater is opened, right in front of the government building.
Samba veio do Senegal para a França há dez anos e sempre teve empregos de segunda. Alice é uma diretora executiva que tem estado muito estressada nos últimos meses. Ele está disposto a fazer o que for preciso para obter uma autorização para trabalhar, enquanto ela tenta deixar para trás sua vida antiga, trabalhando como voluntária em uma ONG. Ambos lutam para sair do impasse que são suas vidas. Até que o destino os reúne.