Dennis Robertson


Watch the Sunset
Gun Range Shooter
In a single afternoon a man comes to grips with the power of his past when his estranged family becomes tangled in its web. Shot in a continuous take.
Destination: America
A patrician family's estranged, black-sheep son forsakes his blue-collar life to return home and soon finds himself wrongly accused of his father's murder, with his old childhood friend determined to convict him. Pilot to a prospective TV series.
Female Market: Imprisonment
J (Foreigner)
Several women are kidnapped and treated to degradation and violence by their captors.
Harry Tracy, Desperado
Hellsgate Sheriff
By the turn of the 20th century, Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid, Billy the Kid and virtually all of the West's legendary outlaws are either dead or in jail pending execution. Well, all, except train robber and escape artist extraordinaire, Harry Tracy. As the last survivor of the Wild Bunch, Tracy pulls off a series of profitable robberies before making his way west to Portland, Oregon, in search of Catherine Tuttle -- a judge's daughter who has captured his heart. But on the way, Tracy is betrayed, arrested, and imprisoned. However, no jail can hold him for long and after making his escape, Tracy becomes the target of the largest manhunt in the history of North America.
A Vingança do Espantalho
Por acreditarem que Bubba Ritter é culpado pela morte de uma menina, quatro homens o perseguem e acabam matando-o. Ao descobrirem que ele havia salvado a menina de ser morta por um cachorro, eles encobrem seu crime como legitima defesa. Por falta de provas, são absolvidos no julgamento. Porém, alguém começa a persegui-los e matá-los, um a um.
Father James
A woman is pursued by her murderous, psychopathic twin sister in the days leading up to their birthday.
Valentine Magic on Love Island
Janis Paige presides over the proceedings at a posh resort, using magical powers to help eight attractive, amiable vacationers discover one another, aided by her nephew and niece in this unsold pilot variation of "Fantasy Island."
P.G. Morris
Dennis Weaver is a Joseph Wambaugh-type novelist cop and Pat Hingle is his hard-nosed superior who wants him to stick to police work or get off the force in this pilot to the short-lived series.
A Case of Rape
1st Orderly
When she was raped, Ellen thought it was the worst thing to ever happen to her. What was worse, was the treatment by the hospital staff, police and the court system, when she reported it, and the man was caught.
Sem Rumo no Espaço
Launch Director
After spending several months in an orbiting lab, three astronauts prepare to return to Earth only to find their de-orbit thrusters won't activate. After initially thinking they might have to abandon them in orbit, NASA decides to launch a daring rescue. Their plans are complicated by a Hurricane headed towards the launch site—and a shrinking air supply in the astronauts' capsule.
Drácula: O Perfil do Diabo
Assistant Director
Após gerar pavor na província de Caynemberg, Drácula foi aparentemente eliminado. Um ano após sua "morte" Ernst Muller, um Monsenhor, visita a região e vê que ninguém vai à missa, pois a sombra do castelo cai sobre a igreja e todos sentem a presença do mal, inclusive o padre local. Com isso o Monsenhor, acompanhado pelo padre, parte para exorcizar o castelo. Porém o padre está tão apavorado que não consegue ir até ao castelo, então o Monsenhor continua sozinho e pede que o padre o espere. O pavor do padre era tão grande que ele se assusta com um temporal e cai num pequeno precipício, onde estava o túmulo de Drácula. O padre se feriu na queda e um pouco do sangue vai até os lábios de Drácula, que ressuscita. Paralelamente o Monsenhor lacrou o castelo com uma cruz na porta e foi embora. Ao ver a cruz na porta, Drácula fica cheio de ódio e pergunta ao padre quem fez aquilo. O religioso, apavorado, diz que foi o Monsenhor, então Drácula planeja se vingar dele.
War Party
A cavalry unit rides into a Comanche trap. If the patrol leaders cannot find a way out, they will all surely perish.