Jo Graysmark


Laura, A Voz de uma Estrela
Supervising Art Director
After the death of her father, Little Voice or LV becomes a virtual recluse, never going out and hardly ever saying a word. She just sits in her bedroom listening to her father's collection of old records of Shirley Bassey, Marilyn Monroe and various other famous female singers. But at night time, LV sings, imitating these great singers with surprising accuracy. One night she is overheard by one of her mother's boyfriends, who happens to be a talent agent. He manages to convince her that her talent is special and arranges for her to perform at the local night club, but several problems arise.
Art Direction
Emma Woodhouse é uma mulher bonita, inteligente e rica, que vive confortavelmente ao lado do pai viúvo na pequena cidade de Higbury, no interior da Inglaterra. Quando a sua governanta, Miss Taylor, se casa com o vizinho, Mr. Weston, Emma sente um vazio em sua vida e decide ajudar as pessoas a terem uma vida tão perfeita quanto a sua. Torna-se, então, uma casamenteira e passa a dar conselhos na vida sentimental das amigas, apoiando, aprovando ou desaprovando os romances conforme seu juízo de valores. Mas, apesar de aparentar autoridade no assunto, ela se revela uma mulher que nunca se apaixonou.
Art Direction
Watch Dad adjust to the news that his teenage son Kwame plans on losing his virginity to a girl! A comedic interplay ensues between father and son over the lack of hetero role models and male identity.