Costume Design
Scattergood finds out that his neighbor, Elly Drew, is going to sell her home to support her son David, an aspiring playwright, who is in New York City trying to get his play produced. Scattergood decides to loan Elly the money but things are not as David has been telling his Mother...
Costume Design
A doctor fights an epidemic that breaks out in the poor section of town and tries to get the rest of the town to help out.
Costume Design
The first of six films in the "Dr. Christian" series, starring Jean Hersholt as a small town doctor trying to convince local officials to approve funds for a new hospital.
Costume Design
Os Três Mosqueteiros vão resgatar o rei que está preso injustamente pelo seu irmão gêmeo. Luís XIV da França faz artimanhas para manter seu irmão gêmeo Philippe encarcerado em uma máscara de ferro, longe do conhecimento do público, que dava mostras de preferir Philippe como Rei da França. Mas os mosqueteiros e o camarada D’Artagnan se combinam para salvar Philippe.
Costume Design
A cocky new West Point cadet from Cambridge is given the cold shoulder by his classmates because of his rule-breaking antics.
Costume Design
Rita Santiago's father, Don Antonio, stubbornly refuses to give permission for her to marry Julio Bertolin, a struggling medical student, because he wants his daughter to marry a rich Brazilian. Because of this, Julio leaves medical school and determines to gain wealth and position for himself by becoming a singer.