Production Supervisor
Fritz, agora casado e com um filho, está desesperado para escapar do inferno doméstico em que se encontra agora. Acendendo um charro, e começa a sonhar com as suas oito outras vidas, na esperança de encontrar uma que proporcione uma distração agradável.
Production Supervisor
Na fronteira ocidental, a Pantera Cor-de-Rosa é um vendedor itinerante de pílulas estimulantes. Sem querer, ele vende algumas pílulas para um criminoso frágil, que ganha a força para roubar todos os bancos de uma cidade próxima! Assim, a pantera tem tantos problemas com a lei quanto o ladrão e deve agir para prender o patife.
Production Supervisor
An English voice talks to the Pink Panther, who is reading a book about secret agents, and suggests to the panther that he become an agent. Intrigued at this idea, the Pink Panther dons a trench coat, hat, and pipe and walks nonchalantly on city streets, looking for enemy spies. He comes upon a gang of foreign agents scheming to detonate a series of black-ball bombs, and when they realize he is following them, they shoot him with guns, lure him into a crocodile trap, and, under cover of darkness aboard a train, replace his cigarette with a bomb.
Production Supervisor
An alcoholic is returning home from a night of partying and encounters the homeless Pink Panther in a park. He invites the panther to come and stay with him. But he has a wife who disapproves of him bringing in any guests. So, he has to keep the Pink Panther hidden, which tends to be rather painful for the hapless panther.
Production Supervisor
A house painter can't understand why everything he paints blue turns pink.