William Yang


Between a Frock and a Hard Place
This is the story behind one of the world’s most loved films; about three unlikely Australian hero-(ine)s daring to step up from the shadows in their shimmering sequined glory and be counted. It’s the story of how a low-budget Australian film about three drag queens changed the course of history and loudly and proudly brought a celebration of gay culture to the world that continues to resonate twenty years on.
Based on photographer William Yang's one man stage show, "Sadness" chronicles two diverging narratives through the use of slide photography, oral history and stylised recreation. One story follows Yang's pilgrimage into the heart of the North Queensland sugar cane fields as he investigates the murder of his uncle Fang Yuen. The other is a series of moving portraits of the many friends and lovers Yang has lost to AIDS. Director Tony Ayres skillfully weaves these two separate stories together creating a powerful testament to family, friends, love and loss. Cinematography by Tristan Milani. Narrated by William Yang.
China Dolls
Aussie boys of Asian descent candidly discuss their status as a "minority within a minority".