Thi Kieu Trinh Nguyen


The Lift
Mrs. Phương
University student Trang's friend suddenly goes missing after she was last seen playing a ritual game in an elevator. She and her cousin investigate the place where the girl vanished, and get obsessively invested with what might be a door to a terrifying dark world. The exploration gets even darker when they commence a thrilling cat-and-mouse game with someone - or something - that's out to get them.
Grande Pai, Pequeno Pai e Outras Histórias
Mrs. Phung
Saigon, início dos anos 2000. Vu, um estudante de fotografia, acaba de chegar à cidade. Ele imediatamente se sente atraído por seu companheiro de quarto, Thang, um pequeno traficante que trabalha como segurança. Vu começa a segui-lo em suas andanças noturnas e descobre um novo mundo. Logo, conhece Van, uma dançarina com quem Thang se relaciona casualmente, e os três desenvolvem uma relação cada vez mais ambígua. Uma noite, após uma briga, eles se veem forçados a fugir para a aldeia de Vu, onde são calorosamente recebidos pelo pai do estudante. O senhor, então, resolve aproveitar a ocasião para apresentar Vu à esposa que escolheu para ele.
Gentle is a film set in modern-day South Vietnam and based on the short story 'A Gentle Creature' by the Russian novelist Dostoevsky.
High School Trap
Five friends went on a trip to get away from the bustling life of Saigon. What promised to be an unforgettable adventure for these friends turned into a nightmare all of them would want to forget, if they survive.
Bi, Don't Be Afraid
The mother
In an old house in Hanoi, Bi, a 6-year-old child lives with his parents, his aunt and their cook. His favorite playgrounds are an ice factory and the wild grass along the river. After being absent for years, his grandfather, seriously ill, reappears and settles at their house. While Bi gets closer to his grandfather, his father tries to avoid any contact with his family. Every night, he gets drunk and goes and see his masseuse, for whom he feels a quiet strong desire. Bi's mother turns a blind eye on it. The aunt, still single, meets a 16-year-old young boy in the bus. Her attraction to him moves her deeply.
Buffalo Boy
Set along the southern coast of Vietnam during the French occupation in the 1940s, water is everywhere, giving life and bringing decay and rot. Kim is 15; his father and step-mother have two buffalo, their lifeline as subsistence rice farmers. During the rainy season, there's no grass and the buffalo are starving. Kim volunteers to take the beasts inland to find food. On this coming-of-age journey, Kim sees men mistreat women, men fight with men, and French taxes rob the poor. He works for Lap, a buffalo herder whose past is entangled with Kim's parents, and he makes friends who will lead him to his place in the world.