Anatoliy Zabolotskiy


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Camera Operator
Senior ship engineer Valentin Kravchuk brings his son to the Kuban to his aunt to go with his wife to rest in the south. In the evening, at the table, he argues with fellow villagers that he alone will be able to grind two hundred tons of bread. In excitement, he sacrifices the resort and remains at the harvesting shop to prove that he is a warrior in the field - even alone.
The Precipice
Director of Photography
Boris Pavlovich Raisky, a bored Petersburg aesthet, comes to his family estate in a small town on the Volga. He hoped to find boredom and the faint-hearted provincials there, and did not expect that in the outback he was waiting for real life, dramatic love and serious passions. Boris Raisky’s estate is a blessed corner where everything pleases the eye: a native old house, tender greenery of birches and lindens, a silver strip of the Volga in the distance. And only a mysterious precipice at the end of the garden frightens the inhabitants of the estate. According to legend, at the bottom of it in ancient times, a jealous husband killed his wife and rival. “Precipice” is a symbolic word in the fate of the main character Vera. It fell to her to fall in love with a nihilist and a cynic who preaches "love for a term", painfully choose between feeling and duty, finally, go down to her beloved person in a cliff, cut off everything that connected with her former life...
Speech for the Defence
Director of Photography
russian drama
Speech for the Defence
russian drama
Starlit Minute
Director of Photography
A film from which you can learn about the first progress of the USSR in space exploration, as well as about the achievements of Yuri Gagarin, the world famous first cosmonaut, who was the very first to conquer the depths of space. This is an educational documentary film for people of all ages. And for those who are nostalgic about the past, and for those who want to learn more about space and its conquest.
Director of Photography
The action takes place in a nameless country occupied by the German army at the time of World War II. In a small village there's an asylum. A squad of German soldiers arrives to take the insane people to a "walk in the forest". Just before they are ready to go to forest to kill the insane people, a Gestapo officer arrives and from his conversation with the doctor we can find out that there's an enemy agent hiding himself in the asylum. Officer Windisch must find the agent from 583 people and on his searches he is slowly starting to feel himself crazy too.
Last Bread
Director of Photography
After going through all the details of the old combine with his own hands, the pioneer virgin landowner granddad Yakushenko met his last great suffering - harvesting bread - in the most dignified manner. Aleksei, Irina and Dmitriy decide to help granddad — and went in the evening to look for spare parts for his combine in neighbouring farms...