Script Supervisor
Ao retornar à Finlândia após de deixar os EUA durante a Grande Depressão, um homem enfrenta uma crescente inquietação política no país nórdico. Numa noite de verão de 1930, bandidos nacionalistas o raptam. Ele é espancado e forçado a andar até a União Soviética, onde a crueldade parece não ter fim. Seu único desejo é voltar a ver a família, mesmo que esse sonho seja quase impossível. Baseado em uma história real.
Script Supervisor
A demeaning game-show appearance, an ill-advised mushroom-picking outing that goes horribly off the rails, inquiries from a cynical reporter — things just keep getting worse for the middle-aged politician at the centre of Estonian director Toomas Hussar's satire about a shallow, fame-obsessed post-Cold War culture.
Women don't know what they want. At least Mann doesn't. It's a little silly story about a woman who likes to demonstrate her moods. There's definitely no lack of spontaneity and bravado in her life. Nor men.
Women don't know what they want. At least Mann doesn't. It's a little silly story about a woman who likes to demonstrate her moods. There's definitely no lack of spontaneity and bravado in her life. Nor men.