Anna Vilppunen


Costume Design
Nas profundezas do deserto da Lapônia, Aatami Korpi está em busca de ouro. De vez em quando, o sobrevoo de bombardeiros e os sons distantes da guerra podem ser ouvidos na noite de outono. Finalmente, o trabalho árduo é recompensado e o pó de ouro na panela se transforma em pedaços de ouro, e Aatami sai para levar seu tesouro de ouro para a cidade mais próxima. Depois que ele se depara com a patrulha nazista liderada pelo SS Obersturmführer Bruno Helldorf, começa uma perseguição de tirar o fôlego e faminta por ouro através do deserto destruído e minado da Lapônia.
The Grump: In Search of an Escort
Costume Design
Grump's life follows the same familiar routines: spring is here and the early potato harvest is ripening. But Grump crashes his beloved Ford Escort and the car has to be scrapped. A new, modern vehicle is no match for quality and the nearest Escort, a 1972 model, can be found in Germany. When the Grumps's sons refuse to help, he must travel to Germany alone.
Attack on Finland
Costume Design
The reception for Finland's Independence Day is rudely interrupted when the presidential palace is attacked and the state leadership is taken hostage. Max Tanner of the Security Police is appointed as a negotiator in the hostage crisis, that unfolds as part of a bigger plan to undermine European security.
Attack on Finland
Costume Designer
The reception for Finland's Independence Day is rudely interrupted when the presidential palace is attacked and the state leadership is taken hostage. Max Tanner of the Security Police is appointed as a negotiator in the hostage crisis, that unfolds as part of a bigger plan to undermine European security.
Ricky Rapper and the Wrong Vincent
Costume Design
Serena Rapper gets a strange prediction: a genius has been born to her immediate family. When Serena finds a drawing Ricky has made, she is certain that Ricky is Vincent Van Gogh reborn. She decides to show Ricky's drawing to the intendant of the Art Museum. At the same time, a sketch of one of Van Gogh's paintings is found in Finland! This discovery starts an exciting chain of events, and in the end, the janitor of the Art Museum, a keen amateur detective, helps Ricky and Nelly to solve the mystery.
Kill Anneli
Costume Design
Black drama-comedy about elementary school teacher Kaisa who has lost control of her life.
Ricky Rapper And The Strongman
Costume Design
Ricky and Nelly decide to take part in arm wrestling competition during their summer holiday.
Happier times, Grump
Costume Design
The Grump prepares to die – everything is done and his wife is dead. He’s making his own coffin when the life walks in, all of a sudden. The granddaughter needs the stubbornness and wisdom of her grandpa. In return, The Grump gets a meaning for his life – and a big secret.
My Brother's Keeper
Costume Design
The story of a Finnish rap artist Cheek and his brother.
Super Furball
Costume Design
Emilia is a suburban kid. She goes to school, lives with her Mom and sometimes her Dad, and her life couldn’t be more ordinary. But one day Emilia’s pet hamster bites her finger. Emilia gets a secret superpower to transform into Super Furball, who can fly and solve problems with her superpowers. At the same time, the herrings in the nearby Baltic Sea bay are screaming for help because of poisoned water. As the Super Furball, Emilia takes it upon herself to fix the situation and finds ways to be more courageous in her own life.
Tom da Finlândia
Costume Design
A história de um dos maiores artistas homossexuais do século XX, Touko Laaksonen, mais conhecido como Tom da Finlândia. Ele não conseguia viver em paz dentro de sua casa, tendo que esconder seus segredos pessoais, mesmo depois do trauma de ter ido para a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Touko dcide então se expressar na arte.
Rolli e a Jornada Mágica
Costume Design
Rolli and little elf girl Juniper along with the rest of the rollis and other strange creatures lead peaceful and rollishly fun lives in their flourishing Rolli Village. One day the inquisitive friends Rolli and Juniper hear incredible news from Malcolm the Maggot: somewhere far away, beyond mountains, forests and the sea, lies a place called The Beginning of All Time. That’s where the storks always take off on their trips to deliver babies in small bundles to their new homes. Rolli and Juniper cannot help but become curious. Both of them have fallen into Rolli Village in a bundle from the sky, and especially Juniper has always wondered where she came from. The two friends decide to throw themselves into a joint adventure. They embark on a trip toward The Beginning of All Time in order to find the answer to life’s greatest secret.
Flowers of Evil
Costume Design
Unrest breaks out in eastern Helsinki as a Finnish family man gets hospitalized in the summer of 2015. Gangs of young people are burning down cars and public buildings, confronting the security guards and the riot police. The narrative goes backwards, towards the riots which mark the end of our movie. As the story begins, the unrest is still bubbling under, ready to explode any time. Vandalism and robbery are not uncommon in the suburbs; neither is violence towards the police and the security guards. Frustration, alienation, isolation and poverty corrode the asphalt surface of the multicultured society, otherwise relatively harmonious.
The Look of a Killer
Costume Design
Viktor Kärppä was forced involuntarily in the middle of Russia's internal power struggle. Soon bunch of assassins as well as Security Police are trying to catch Kärppä. Kärppä's family is also in great danger. In order to save themselves and their families they need to resort to Kärppäs friend, the police Korhonen , as well as his brother Aleksei.
Glass Ceiling
Costume Design
Sari works in middle management for a multinational company, and a promotion is within her grasp. She just has to finish her last presentation, break the glass ceiling and make it to the conference room in time.
A Parteira
Costume Design
Durante a Guerra da Lapônia, conflito entre a Alemanha e a Finlândia no rescaldo da Segunda Guerra Mundial, a parteira Helena se apaixona por Johannes, um oficial do serviço secreto alemão. Baseado no romance de Katja Kettu.
Com Amor Milla
Costume Design
Aimo and Milla are living together at Milla's alcoholics-turned-zombies parents' place. They save money to move out of the house. Due to his lack of self confidence, Aimo wastes their savings to turbo-boost his muscles. As conventional body building is not quite satisfactory, Aimo tunes himself up into a robot. Milla doesn't like the new Aimo-Robot and leaves him. Aimo´s heartache leads him to extreme measures as he also changes his heart into a metal one, one that doesn't hurt. Milla decides to steal Aimo heart: after all, a woman needs to have a man´s heart. Lovemilla is an anarchistic comedy trip, a comedy about love, a story about love, robots and bodybuilding.
The Grump
Costume Design
A stubbornly traditional eighty-year-old farmer - whose social attitudes verge on the prehistoric - raises hell when he is forced to move in with his sadsack, city-dwelling son and domineering daughter-in-law.
Boy Upside Down
Costume Design
A Finnish dramedy about an 11-year-old boy dealing with the loss of his parents.
Coração de Leão
Costume Design
Teppo (Peter Franzén) é o líder de um grupo de Skinheads finlandeses se apaixona perdidamente por uma mulher que tem um filho mulato e se vê lutando com sentimentos conflitantes ao embarcar nesta relação.
Rolli and the Golden Key
Costume Design
A flock of storks fly in the misty sky, all carrying white bundles. One of the bundles falls and a little girl called Juniper ends up in a strange world. This is the beginning of a wonderful, magical adventure as the girl tries to find out who she really is and where she came from. She finally meets an old troll called Rolli who tells the girl his own, eventful story. The girl and the troll become friends and together they encounter a dangerous threat against the fairytale woods. This is a universal tale of bravery and friendship that takes its audience through exciting plot twists, circus spotlights and the splendor of the fantastic forest.
Costume Design
Uma jovem em fuga é abrigada por uma velha senhora em sua casa. Unidas pelo puro acaso as duas descobrirão que tem muito mais em comum do que poderiam imaginar, tanto por seus laços de sangue como pelo passado de abusos que querem esquecer.
Amor e Outros Problemas
Costume Design
Ville, 25, é um ex-estrela infantil que tem evitado seu pai mulherengo e roqueiro por anos. Tudo muda quando seu pai se muda para seu apartamento e ambos se apaixonam por uma professora de dança "Americana".
Priest of Evil
Costume Design
Detective sergeant Timo Harjunpää of the Helsinki Violent Crime Unit loses his daughter in a tragic way. Despite the support of his closest colleague, Constable Onerva Nykänen, Harjunpää is unable to recover from the loss of his family. He seeks revenge against his daughter's killer, while in his work he investigates strange deaths in the Helsinki metro that turn out to be the work of a serial killer.
Lapland Odyssey
Costume Design
Lapland Odyssey is a comedy about Janne, a man from Lapland in northern Finland, a man who has made a career out of living on welfare. Inari, his girlfriend, is tired of Janne's incapability of getting a grip on life, Janne wasn't even able to buy a digital TV box that Inari had given money for. Inari gives an ultimatum: a digital box needs to arrive by dawn or she leaves. Janne sets out into the night with his two friends to find a box. On their way to the city of Rovaniemi, Janne and his friends face many challenges, obstacles and temptations. They learn that they need to be daring. There's no room to give into bitterness. The most important thing isn't success, but rather the journey in itself.
Costume Design
German Laura follows her husband and moves to Finland with their baby girl. Her days at home are lonely as her husband is constantly working.
Forbidden Fruit
Costume Design
Two 18-year old girls from a christian fundamentalist community flee to a city for a summer job.
Costume Design
Quando uma guerra de 25 anos entre a Rússia e a Suécia termina, dois irmãos que fazem parte de um esforço para delinear novos acordos de fronteira tornam-se desfeitos por suas ações e pelos maus-tratos a uma jovem durante sua jornada.
Alma Diabólica
Wardrobe Designer
Atormentado com a saúde da filha autista, Ben (Noah Huntley) vê como única opção tirá-la à força da instituição onde está internada. A quebra do elevador interrompe seus planos de fuga e os aprisiona com outras pessoas. Quando as portasse abrem, começa o pesadelo: o hospital está deserto e há corpos inexplicavelmente mutilados pelos corredores. Em sua alucinante busca por uma saída, o terror os alcança através de criaturas apavorantes que saem da escuridão e os atacam impiedosamente. Não demora muito para que percebam que a sobrevivência do grupo está nas mãos da garotinha.
Alma Diabólica
Costume Design
Atormentado com a saúde da filha autista, Ben (Noah Huntley) vê como única opção tirá-la à força da instituição onde está internada. A quebra do elevador interrompe seus planos de fuga e os aprisiona com outras pessoas. Quando as portasse abrem, começa o pesadelo: o hospital está deserto e há corpos inexplicavelmente mutilados pelos corredores. Em sua alucinante busca por uma saída, o terror os alcança através de criaturas apavorantes que saem da escuridão e os atacam impiedosamente. Não demora muito para que percebam que a sobrevivência do grupo está nas mãos da garotinha.
Avenida Colorado
Costume Design
Quando Hanna é uma menina, ela e sua mãe são forçadas a deixar sua ilha natal no arquipélago Bótnia após o afogamento do pai de Hanna no mar. Hanna consegue emprego na casa dos Smeds e começa a economizar para viajar à América.
Guerreiros de Jade
Costume Design
Milhares de anos atrás, na China antiga, um herói ferido à espada luta contra o seu destino. Ele quer outra chance de se reunir com sua amada e ele tem essa chance, em um lugar distante e um tempo distante, no norte frio, na Finlândia moderna. Jade Warrior é baseado na antiga China idade de ferro precoce e atual Finlândia. O passado está alimentando a história nos dias atuais, revelando lentamente ao nosso guerreiro sua origem real, suas habilidades superiores e seu destino. Guerreiros de Jade - o primeiro filme finlandês de Kung Fu - combina mitologias finlandesas e chinesas em um único filme. É uma homenagem ao gênero Kung Fu fortemente temperada com uma abordagem verdadeiramente original ao épico nacional finlandês Kalevala. Como Kalevala é um melodrama puro. Uma história do maior herói de Kalevala.
Costume Design
25-year-old Karri is stuck with his life: days at a job as a guard at a shopping mall, nights out with his friends. Then Karri meets Caasha, a Somali girl about his age.