Mithen Andreev


O Chifre da Cabra
Bulgária, século 17. Uma família é violentamente atingida por uma tragédia causada por turcos otomanos invasores. O pai e sua pequena filha são obrigados a fugir para as montanhas, onde ele a educa rigidamente como se fosse um menino. Um afiado chifre de cabra será o instrumento de sua vingança. .
In the House of Marriages, the young couples are paraded one after other. The newlyweds sign the register, kiss and receive congratulations. The picture fades out and another house takes shape: house of executions. An antifascist resister condemned to die marries his beloved minutes before facing the firing squad.
The Golden Tooth
Captain Lipovanski is badly wounded during World War II. The Germans take him prisoner. After the end of the war, he is set free in a foreign country. He has been deceived that he was sentenced to death as a deserter and that his pregnant wife had died in a Bulgarian concentration camp. He trains for subversive activities against his own country. He is given the codename 'Golden Tooth'. Eager for revenge, he arrives in Bulgaria. There he learns that an agent provocateur has killed his wife, that his child is safe and has been raised in a nursery, and that he himself is respected as a hero. Golden Tooth sets out to eliminate his accomplices. With a file containing valuable documents, the traitors prepare their escape abroad. The spies are caught at the border. Golden Tooth kills the last of the traitors and dies driving his lorry into a precipice.
Clever Peter
Hitar Petar escapes every hard time the life gives him by using his quick mind.