Frances Eve

Frances Eve


Frances Eve


A Little Water
On the anniversary of a tragic accident, four adults reunite for a weekend by the lake. Slipping into the familiarities of their close past, home comforts soon turn to hidden truths. As the secrets ripple out, the siblings, friends and lovers are pushed to face each other like never before in a night that promises to change them forever.
A Maratona de Brittany
Marathon Worker
Aos 27 anos, Brittany só quer saber de curtir a vida. No dia a dia, ela fica em festas até tarde da noite e volta para casa apenas de manhã —o que a faz quase sempre se atrasar para o trabalho. Em uma ida ao médico, porém, a jovem mulher descobre que a rotina desregrada e sedentária que leva tem seu preço: ela tem pressão e colesterol altos, batimento cardíaco acelerado... Brittany, então, começa a correr. Animada, ela decide treinar para participar da Maratona de Nova York.
Sweet, Sweet Lonely Girl
Dorie Rivas
Soon after moving in with her aging aunt Dora, Adele meets Beth, seductive and mysterious, who tests the limits of Adele's moral ground and sends her spiraling down a psychologically unstable and phantasmagoric path.
Mad Women
A mother of three daughters (one died at the age of three) commits a crime of conscience and becomes radicalized in prison; she turns into an idealist run amok, determined to change her little corner of the world for the better. Her middle daughter, with a physician for a father, an older sister who joins Doctors Without Borders, and a baby sister who dies, is fanatically trying to find a place for herself in this family of overachievers.