Namiko Rokujo


Clan Revival
After the Onin War ended in 1477, Kyoto was left in ashes and the nation was in complete disorder. Bands of roving samurai called the "nobushi" terrorized the country under the leadership of Akagaki Genba and overthrew Mangetsu Castle in Tanba Province scattering the few survivors. Lord Niwa's two sons have been studying in China and return to Japan upon hearing of the tragedy in an attempt to restore the clan. On Mt. Oe they meet magician Kiri no Kojiro and try to enlist his aid. With touches of the supernatural and rousing sword-play can they succeed against the evil villains whose symbol is the skull mask?
Claws of Iron
During the war a man is bitten by a creature which looks like a cross between a bear and an ape in the jungle. Later he starts to transform to a monster like creature who kills with his claw like fingers.
The Motherland Far Far Away
The Invisible Man Appears
Jewel thieves become interested in an invisibility formula invented by Professor Nakazato and want to use his invention to acquire a diamond necklace called the "Tears of Amour."
Skull Dance
Directed by Eizo Tanaka.