Lili Epply

Lili Epply

Nascimento : 1995-01-01, Wien, Austria


Lili Epply


Anorexia is taking up more and more space in Jean’s life or as he would call it: the incredible feeling of absolute self-control. His parents don’t understand him and put him under increasing pressure. But when the brazen Lili enters his life and turns it upside down, he slowly starts to open up. She takes him on an adventure and encourages him to confront his problem.
Livres Como o Vento 4
Um incidente põe o relacionamento de Mika e Ostwind à prova. Enquanto isso, a avó de Mika, Sam e o Sr. Kaan lutam para manter o Estábulo Kaltenbach em pé, com o apoio da ambiciosa e aparentemente bondosa Isabell. Então Fanny traz a impulsiva e irritadiça Ari para o Kaltenbach, o que causa uma grande comoção...
A young man lies sleeplessley in bed. It's late, thoughts are spinning in his head. He's too tired to fall asleep. Various scenarios are popping up in his mind, being turned around and mixed with doubt. Finally he seems to break the dark circle. And now? Does everything start all over again? Human beings are often standing in their own way. Too many doubts block you and prevent you from advancing, developing. What is going on in your head when faced with a decision, torn between two contrary emotions? As long as you don't make a decision, you can not lose. And neither win. You stand still.
Mentes Malignas
Anni (A Nocturnal Breath)
Um filme antológico na forma de longa-metragem de horror. Estes segmentos assustadores são recheados de personagens conhecidos como mitos, tradições e contos populares. Criadas para dar lógica aos medos mais sombrios da humanidade, essas histórias lançaram as bases para o que hoje conhecemos como gênero de terror.
Erik & Erika
Erik(a) Schinegger – the ski star who became a media sensation. Erika was hailed as a champion skier, until a sex test determined that she was a he – and Erik was rejected and accused of fraud. A story based on real life, a tale about nature and the taboo subjects of 1970s society.
It was a devastating day for Arnold and his wife, Karen when their son, Christian, a soldier in the German armed forces, told them he was going to be deployed abroad. Everything is different now. Arnold has decided to retreat to a secluded mountain hut in Tirol along with his dog in order to finally find some peace of mind. Barely has he reached his snow drenched destination, when he discovers the threatening traces of an intruder. While ruminating over the news of his son and the conversations he had with his wife, Arnold must also battle against an unknown fiend if he wants to save his own life.
Summer Of 44
Verão de 1944, Schwäbisch Hall. Contra a propaganda de guerra e o heroísmo ordenado, os cinco meninos de 16 anos do grupo da piscina sonham com swing, sexo e liberdade.
Maximilian and Marie De Bourgogne
Rosina von Kraig
In 1477 Charles the Bold dies, his only child is a girl which cannot rule without a husband. Meanwhile in Austria, Emperor Frederick III and his antagonist Louis XI France battle over said marriage prospects, battles ensue, tragedy falls.
Fourteen-year-old Jasmin longs to be near her biological mother, Eva. Following her mother’s release from prison, an excursion into the country together becomes a first test for the fledgling mother-daughter relationship. They smoke, dance and stroll together – the mood is promising. But time and again, it is revealed that their needs and expectations are light years apart. For the moment, neither Eva nor Jasmin seem up to the task of fulfilling each other’s need for identity and support. (Talea is Italian for scion, a detached shoot or twig containing buds from a woody plant, used in grafting.)