Radovan Marković


Property Master
Kosovo 2004, cinco anos após a guerra. Nenad, dez anos, um rapaz cristão de um enclave sérvio, decidido a realizar um verdadeiro funeral comunitário para o seu extinto avô, cruza as linhas inimigas e faz amizades entre a maioria muçulmana, num Kosovo devastado pela guerra.
The Tour
Property Master
Year 1993, the bleakest time of war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A group of actors from Belgrade, utterly unaware of what they're setting themselves up for, embark on a search for quick earnings - on a "tour" around the Serbian Krajina. However, there they are thrust into the heart of war and begin to wander from war front to war front, from one army to the next.
Border Post
Set Decoration
Num posto fronteiriço, entre a então Iugoslávia e a Albânia, nos idos dos anos 80, um comandante descobre que tem sífilis, criando o caos em sua tentativa de evitar sua esposa e admitir sua infidelidade.
The conflict between innocence and evil is the shortest definition of the leitmotifs of the film. The story is taking place on a winter day in a remote province, far from all major events that shook the world today. A young woman teacher goes to a remote village where he got the first job after six years of waiting. Happy and hopeful that her life finally begins ... The other main feature is similar to it. Male character returns from the war in which, in fact, he was not. The first day of the war he was wounded and spent eight months in the hospital. His first job as a taxi driver on an empty train station where there is not many passengers, but it offers the peace that he needs to overcome his trauma and that gives hope that he is finally something good to happen. But harsh times threaten to destroy the dreams of the teacher and taxi drivers. Fortunately the man who is young like them, but he has completely different goals in life.
Underground - Mentiras de Guerra
Palma de Ouro no Festival de Cannes, o filme do cineasta iugoslavo Emir Kusturica mostra, com humor negro e em tom de fábula, a situação conflituosa de seus país. O filme conta a história de Marko, proprietário de uma fabrica clandestina de armas (o Underground do título) que usa policiais refugiados como mão de obra. Tudo começa na Segunda Guerra e, por amor de uma mulher, Marco mantém seus colegas refugiados por lá durante 20 anos