Stephanie Coffey


Babysitter Massacre
A group of young women teamed together in their youth to run a babysitting business, when one of their friends died suddenly the group fell apart. Now years later they are all going their separate ways as college approaches, but on Halloween night someone is torturing and killing every member of the babysitter club...
A Criatura da Destruição
Makeup Artist
Angus e Lillie são comprometidos e estão viajando pelo interior da Irlanda, onde fazem amizade com um velho marinheiro. Após dar-lhes uma carona até seu castelo, ele lhes mostra seu maior troféu: uma sereia verdadeira e viva, cativa num tanque. Sedentos por fama e fortuna, Angus e comparsas roubam a criatura marinha e planejam levá-la para a América. Após carregar sua presa num barco, eles logo percebem que o animal é tão perigoso quanto belo, mas nada pode prepará-los para o horror que os espera enquanto seu barco penetra mar adentro.
Earth vs. the Spider
Makeup Artist
A shy comic book fan is injected with an experimental serum and starts turning into a spider. When web covered bodies start appearing a policeman starts to investigate the strange case.
The Sex Substitute
Makeup Artist
A guy house-sitting at a home based women's spa finds himself providing erotic services to female clients who mistake him for the substitute therapist.
The Sex Substitute
Key Makeup Artist
A guy house-sitting at a home based women's spa finds himself providing erotic services to female clients who mistake him for the substitute therapist.
Time Barbarians
A warrior king has swordfights with ugly savages that crouch around the forest and snarl a lot. An evil bad guy, bent on doing evil things, kills his wife and flees to modern day Los Angeles. The warrior chases after him to avenge his wife's death.
Time Barbarians
Makeup Artist
A warrior king has swordfights with ugly savages that crouch around the forest and snarl a lot. An evil bad guy, bent on doing evil things, kills his wife and flees to modern day Los Angeles. The warrior chases after him to avenge his wife's death.