Olga Čechová


100 Days
Life is going on, people work and have children, out of love or out of lack of other motivation in life. As there is no God, the only certitude is 24 hours open Tesco hypermarket. 40 years ago, Apollo 11 landed on the the surface of the Moon. Next destination is Mars. No human project can go on without a hope of being completed in a reasonable time-limit. Maximal reasonable time-limit is the duration of a human life. What does fit into it? Béla, a retired Hungarian bio-molecular scientist is waiting for death. In the meantime, he has some things to say.
A nurse and her surgeon-lover are part of a resistance movement in 1940s Czechoslovakia. When they are discovered, her lover flees and she must find a place to hide. A patient whose life she saved, a man from a remote mountain village where time stopped 150 years ago, agrees to hide her as his wife.
Sound Effects Editor
Baseado no folclore Tcheco, o filme conta a história de um casal que não pode ter filhos. Então o marido escava no quintal uma raiz e a talha, de forma a tomar a forma de um bebê. Sua esposa decide cuidar dela como se fosse uma criança. A raiz ganha vida, para a alegria da mãe. Entretanto, a estranha criança acaba desenvolvendo grande apreço por carne e quanto mais ela cresce, maior se torna seu apetite.