Serge Levin

Serge Levin


Serge Levin


Herbert West: Reanimator
Dr. Ed Softly
Pursued by the police, an ambitious neuroscientist uses a neutrino impulse to bring his dead wife back to life, unintentionally unlocking within her dormant powers that threaten the existence of everyone he knows.
Herbert West: Reanimator
Pursued by the police, an ambitious neuroscientist uses a neutrino impulse to bring his dead wife back to life, unintentionally unlocking within her dormant powers that threaten the existence of everyone he knows.
Herbert West: Reanimator
Pursued by the police, an ambitious neuroscientist uses a neutrino impulse to bring his dead wife back to life, unintentionally unlocking within her dormant powers that threaten the existence of everyone he knows.
Herbert West: Reanimator
Pursued by the police, an ambitious neuroscientist uses a neutrino impulse to bring his dead wife back to life, unintentionally unlocking within her dormant powers that threaten the existence of everyone he knows.
Ray Miller
After a failed suicide attempt, a young man coping with loss and depression, submits to a series of trials that fine-tune human emotions, but his unique reaction to the tests send him on a journey that transcends both physical and perceived reality.
After a failed suicide attempt, a young man coping with loss and depression, submits to a series of trials that fine-tune human emotions, but his unique reaction to the tests send him on a journey that transcends both physical and perceived reality.
After a failed suicide attempt, a young man coping with loss and depression, submits to a series of trials that fine-tune human emotions, but his unique reaction to the tests send him on a journey that transcends both physical and perceived reality.
Os Desaparecidos
Os residentes de uma cabana no coração do Triângulo Esmeralda, em uma remota parte das florestas do norte da Califórnia, lutam para sobreviver à abduções e brutais ataques de misteriosas criaturas há anos. Quando um fazendeiro local se perde com um grupo de campistas, o que já era um problema tem potencial para escalar para um verdadeiro massacre.
A Volta de Jack
Jack vive em Los Angeles mas depois que seu pai é morto em um acidente de carro ele viaja para sua casa, no Colorado, para ajudar a cuidar da sua mãe (também ferida no acidente). Lá, ele descobre segredos há muito enterrados e mentiras dentro de sua história familiar, seus pais, seus amigos e sobre sua própria identidade.