Gabriel Harel


A Noite Dos Sacos Plásticos
Para Agatha, a contagem regressiva começou. Com quarenta anos de idade, ela não tem ninguém por ela…
A Noite Dos Sacos Plásticos
Para Agatha, a contagem regressiva começou. Com quarenta anos de idade, ela não tem ninguém por ela…
Yùl and the Snake
13-year-old Yùl has come along with his big brother, Dino, to clinch a bad deal with Mike, a thug with a car and a fearsome dog. When the situation starts to turn sour, a weird snake appears by Yùl's side.
Yùl and the Snake
13-year-old Yùl has come along with his big brother, Dino, to clinch a bad deal with Mike, a thug with a car and a fearsome dog. When the situation starts to turn sour, a weird snake appears by Yùl's side.