A história de Elizabeth, uma bailarina de sucesso, que larga sua carreira e fama após se apaixonar por Honza, um homem misterioso, que aos poucos vai mostrando o seu lado sombrio. Ela faz de tudo para se desvencilhar do pesadelo em que vive e conta com a ajuda de três amigas.
Dejvidova matka
Prague, 1983. The communist regime, in a suffocating atmosphere ruled over by the secret police, imposes "normalization". Miki and David need some kind of motivation to carry on in the communist wasteland. They discover The Clash's album 'London Calling' and, of course, decide to set up a punk band. But playing punk during normalization in Czechoslovakia isn't the best idea, an opinion shared not only by their horrified parents. Many decisions made under the influence of cheap alcohol and compulsive music could be more fatal than they initially seemed. A story about the revolt of some 18-year-olds against authority, against social norms, against adult duties and responsibility. It is about the search for one's own models and values. Although based on personal experiences from the early 1980s, it could have taken place at any time and anywhere, and is more than likely taking place somewhere right now.
Uma história sobre um homem excessivamente influenciada pelas mulheres na sua vida, que é única em muitos aspetos, incluindo o facto de que ele de alguma forma acabou por ser "hetero", apesar de suas provações com as mulheres, que começaram no nascimento.