Ed Crick

Ed Crick


Ed Crick


A Vingança de um Kickboxer 6: O Desafio Final
Terrorists take over a nuclear weapons launch site, but don't count on a humble military courier, who happens to be making a visit
Caged Heat II: Stripped of Freedom
Carl Daimyo
King Lim is the oppressive ruler of a country on the verge of revolution. The CIA arranges a fake assassination to get him safely out of the country, but his daughter is captured in the ensuing melee and sent to The Rock, an island penitentiary known for its harshness. Agent Amanda commits a local crime in order to infiltrate the prison and rescue Princess Marga. Within, she predictably encounters official corruption, shifting allegiances, and a sleazy warden that make her task more challenging.
Majority Rule
A war heroine returns to the US to run for president and ends up facing enemies worse than those in the battle: corruption and the dangerous game of power.
Aliança Mortal
Sergeant #1
Frank Warren (Rutger Hauer) foi preso em uma penitenciária de segurança máxima por roubar milhões em diamantes, os quais não foram recuperados. Nessa prisão unisex, cada prisioneiro tem um parceiro desconhecido. Quando eles se separam por mais de 100 jardas, um colar explosivo é acionado e mata os dois parceiros. Frank e sua parceira Tracy (Mimi Rogers), fogem para recuperar o dinheiro, mas são perseguidos pelos companheiros de Frank que o traíram durante o assalto. Agora, Frank e Tracy precisam se unir mais do que nunca, pois suas vidas dependem um do outro. Se eles forem separados a morte é certa, mas se permanecerem juntos e lutarem, os milhões estão garantidos.
Um Tira no Jardim de Infância
Mall Guard #3
John Kimble e Phoebe O’Hara, sua nova parceira, persegue Cullen Crisp, um conhecido traficante de drogas que sempre é apoiado por Eleanor Crisp, sua maquiavélica mãe. John descobre que Cullen procura Rachel Crisp, sua ex-esposa, e Cullen Crisp Jr., o filho deles. Kimble planeja pegá-lo quando Cullen achar Rachel, que se acredita que tenha três milhões de dólares provenientes da venda de drogas. John e Phoebe seguem a pista até Astoria, Oregon, onde acreditam que o filho de Cullen esteja em um jardim de infância. Embora a criança e a mãe tenham mudado os nomes, John espera encontrar algumas pistas.
LifeStories: Steve Burdick
Floor Director
Steve Burdick is closeted television anchorman whose lover dies of an AIDS-related illness. Steve decides to come out and then tells his story about being gay and battling AIDS during a special segment of the nightly news. Originally episode eight of LifeStories, it was moved to later in the season due to the subject matter.
Eye of the Eagle
Sgt. Bo Rattner
"The Lost Command," a bunch of notorious renegades, terrorize South Vietnam, forcing Sgt. Zack Skinner, HQ's best man to hunt down the Command to stop its killing spree.
Future Hunters
A man from a post-apocalyptic future travels back in time to prevent the coming nuclear holocaust and enlists the help of a young couple.
Naked Vengeance
After witnessing her husband's brutal murder, Carla travels to her parents' home in a small mountain town to start over. When she's repeatedly harassed by redneck locals, Carla seeks help from the town sheriff but is met with indifference. This continues until Carla's finally attacked, raped, and her parents executed by the twisted townies. Carla, after escaping a mental hospital, resolves to get bloody revenge.
Dark Horse
Nick Fox and his friend Mac, a photographer, are contacted by a mother who's son is recruited by a training camp in South America.
The River Niger
White Police Lieutenant
An intimate look at life in the ghetto: Johnny Williams is a house painter who moonlights as a poet, struggling to financially and emotionally support his cancer-ridden wife Mattie. But times are tough and the poverty-troubled streets are even tougher, and it takes every ounce of Johnny's love and courage for the couple to make it through their strife, finding redemption in the River Niger.