Gianni Parisi

Gianni Parisi


Gianni Parisi


Stessi battiti
Quanno chiove
Towards Happiness
Nonno Carlo
Andrea is a labor consultant and his married life with Lucia is winding down. Once a week Andrea crosses the border of the Neapolitan nightlife to give life to Octavia Meraviglia: the most famous drag queen in Naples.
Mai per sempre
Lui è mio padre
365 Dias
Massimo's Father
Laura, a fim de salvar seu relacionamento, vai para a Sicília, onde conhece Massimo. Um homem perigoso, o chefe de uma família da máfia, que a sequestra e lhe dá 365 dias para amá-lo.
Sono solo fantasmi
Three brothers pretend they're ghost hunters to inherit from their father.
Passpartu’ - Operazione Doppiozero
Don Cataldo
Ceraso, Parco del Cilento. Four young friends decide to answer to a call for tender for the management of a hotel and make a change in their professional life. They ignore the aims of a odd businessman from Rome. The quiet local community will be completely shaken up buy deceptions and solidarity, old passions and new loves, funny situations and deep emotions
Too Neapolitan
When Deborah's ex-husband, a popular neomelodic singer, loses his life in a stage dive, Deborah worries for her eleven-year-old son, Ciro, who is exhibiting signs of depression. Searching for a solution, Deborah takes Ciro to see Tommaso, a shy child psychologist. During the course of their visits, Ciro confesses that it's not his father's death that has got him down, it's his love for his classmate, the beautiful Ludovica. The two make a deal: Tomasso will help Ciro to win the affections of Ludovica, while Ciro gives Tomasso a hand at having a chance with his mother.
Vita, cuore, battito
An ignorant couple from Naples is forced by a mobster to accept a luxury cruise as the prize for a bet.
The Major Fisherman
In this fact-based drama, an ecology-minded fisherman is elected mayor of his corrupt seaside town and begins crusading against drugs and crime.
La valigia sul letto
Ti lascio perché ti amo troppo
papà di Daniela
When a story ends and the two do not know how to say goodbye comes the classic excuse "I'm leaving you because I love you too" With this sentence Daniela says goodbye to Mariano and literally disappears. The friends try to help Mariano in the most classic ways, presenting other girls. But Daniela is always in his thoughts. Finally seems to portend the nail that will drive the nail in the guise of a beautiful Brazilian. But winning does not show up at all easy.
Il ritorno del Monnezza
Ispettore Capo Ramacci