Rosa Turich


Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter
Nina Lopez
Dr. Frankenstein's Granddaughter Maria, and her brother assistant Rudolph, moved to the old west because the lightning storms there are more frequent and intense, which allows them to work on the experiments of their grandfather. But the experiments are failing and Rudolph's been secretly killing the corpses afterwards. Meanwhile, the Lopez family leaves the town because of the evil going on there
Eu, Ela e a Outra
Maria (uncredited)
Cinco anos depois do dia em sua esposa Ellen (Doris Day) desapareceu no mar depois de um acidente de avião, o marido e advogado Nicholas (James Garner) consegue que ela seja declarada legalmente morta, se casa novamente e vai em lua de mel para Monterey com a nova esposa Bianca (Polly Bergen). Na mesma manhã, Ellen chega em casa depois de ser resgatada pela Marinha numa ilha deserta e segue para tentar impedir que a lua de mel aconteça. Nick, ainda apaixonado por Ellen, gosta de revê-la, mas descobre que ainda não pode dar a notícia a Bianca, enquanto Ellen também tem dificuldades para contar aos filhos que ela é sua mãe. Vai ficar complicado. (e 14)
Manuel's Wife
Scientists investigate a huge meteor that crashes into the ocean off Mexico, and encounter a skyscraper-tall, mobile machine which is designed to syphon energy from earth, including any energy directed at it in an effort to destroy it.
Tudo que o Céu Permite
Rosanne (uncredited)
Cary Scott é uma respeitável viúva da alta classe média, que sente-se frustrada, mas reencontra o amor ao se apaixonar por Ron Kirby, seu jardineiro. Apesar de ser 15 anos mais velha e ter um casal de filhos já crescidos, ela decide assumir esta paixão. Entretanto Cary encontra preconceito em vários de seus amigos íntimos e até mesmo nos filhos, que não aceitam que a mãe tenha tal relação.
Make Haste to Live
A single mother in New Mexico senses her own death in the hands of a mysterious stalker.
Phantom Stallion
Ex-cavalry buddies, Rex and Slim, band together to capture a wild stallion, solve a murder and thwart the killers from cheating a boy out of his inheritance.
O Mundo Odeia-me
Dois pescadores embarcam um fugitivo psicótico que lhes diz que tem a intenção de matá-los quando o passeio terminar. Dois amigos em uma viagem de pesca pegam um motorista encalhado que acaba se revelando um fugitivo psicótico. Este sociopata já assassinou outros bons samaritanos em seus esforços para escapar das autoridades. Ele sadicamente insulta e ameaça os dois homens e perversamente se delicia em dizer-lhes que já tem ambos marcados para morrer em algum momento antes do final da viagem. Seu destino é a balsa em Baja, Califórnia, que ele espera irá ajudá-lo a chegar ao continente. Os reféns esperam estar vivos o tempo suficiente para escapar ou serem resgatados pelas autoridades mexicanas.
Owen Merrit (Randolph Scott), um pequeno fazendeiro, está sendo ameaçado pelo poderoso vizinho Will Isham. Quando Will contrata atiradores para intimidá-lo, Owen precisa defender a si mesmo e a sua propriedade por meio da violência.
Havana Rose
Ambassador Rico DeMarco is in Washington trying to raise a five-million dollar loan for his country, Lower Salamia. Filbert Filmore and his domineering wife are about to sign on the dotted line for the loan when DeMarco's vivacious daughter, Estelita, upsets the deal by accidentally knocking hot coffee over the papers---and Mrs. Fillmore, who leaves the house in a huff. When word of the difficulties filters back home it's Viva la Revolution. But Estelita, disguised as a fortune teller tries to convince astrology believer Fillmore that the stars are propitious for his making the loan.
Cuban Fireball
Cuban Fireball is a vehicle for the combustible talents of Estelita Rodriguez, here cast as "herself." The plot finds Estelita arriving in Los Angeles to claim a multimillion-dollar inheritance. To fend off fortune hunters, she disguises herself as a meek little old lady.
In 1805, the United States battles the pirates of Tripoli as the Marines fight to raise the American flag.
On the Isle of Samoa
After committing a robbery, a man is inspired to confess by a lovely native girl he meets on a small island.
Duelo Sangrento
Western reconstituindo um dos episódios mais famosos da carreira de William H. Bonney, o fora-da-lei, Billy the Kid (1859-1881), interpretado por Audie Murphy. Aos 18 anos, Billy chega ao Novo México e abandona as armas, empregando-se no rancho do inglês Tunstall, com quem faz amizade e que o ajuda a regenerar-se. Tunstall, porém, é assassinado por ladrões de gado que operam na região e Billy resolve vingar-se deflagrando um combate que ficou conhecido como a Guerra do Condado de Lincoln (1878).
Son of Billy the Kid
Rosa Gonzáles
Lash helps a reformed Billy the Kid protect his bank from bandits.
Mexican Woman (uncredited)
An ex-gunfighter woos two women while avenging his brother, victim of a crooked gambler.
Bowery Buckaroos
The Bowery Boys head west to clear Louie of an old murder charge that he had killed his gold-mine partner. Sach has the map to the gold mine painted on his back, and Blackjack McCoy has him kidnapped by Indian Joe. Gabe poses as a dangerous gunman, the Klondike Kid, while Slip is in charge of all the remaining loose ends.
Rangers of Fortune
Fred MacMurray stars as a US Army misfit who, with pals Albert Dekker and Gilbert Roland, roam the west in search of adventure. Arriving in a small town, they befriend the elderly newspaper editor (Arthur Allen) and his young granddaughter (Betty Brewer). The trio learns that the community is under the thumb of a covetous land baron (Joseph Schildkraut), who is endeavoring to push out the ranch owners and take over the territory.
Drifting Westward
Manuel and Carga are after the hidden map of a gold mine which is somewhere in the hacienda willed to Manuel's brother, Don Careta. Following the third midnight raid on his home, Don Careta is fearful for the safety of his daughter Wanda, and sends for Jack Martin to help him.
Starlight Over Texas
Tex has been sent to investigate the theft of government provisions along the border. Kildare is the leader of the outlaw gang and has his men posing as Indians. He has already killed the incoming Marshal and assumed his identity. When Tex asks too many questons, he plans to get rid of him also.
Rose of the Rio Grande
The story, based on a novel by Johnston (Zorro) McCulley, concerns a group of aristocratic vigilantes, who go about trying to restore their prominence in Mexico by killing anyone who stands in their way.
Clipped Wings
Carla the McGuire Maid
Mickey Lofton, young half-brother of famed war-aviator Jerry, fails in his attempt to enter the Canadian Air Corps, because of his fear of thunderstorms developed by an incident in his boyhood days. Jerry, now a Captain in the U.S. Department of Justice, is given an assignment to capture some border oil smugglers. Through his friendship with Raoul McGuire, one of the suspects, Jerry is accepted as a member of the gang. Mickey is in love with Raoul's sister, Molly. Gang leader Moran shoots and wounds Raoul, and is himself shot down by Jerry. Mickey flies Molly and her wounded brother to a hospital. Jerry takes off in another plane to guard Mickey's craft from a pursuing airplane, and crashes his plane into the gangster's plane but parachutes to safety.
The Kid Ranger
Mexican Woman
Ranger Ray plans to marry stage driver Bill Mason's daughter Mary, but there are problems ahead....
Beyond the Rockies
Housekeeper Lolita (uncredited)
A noted gunman takes a job on a cattle ranch to stop a band of rustlers.