Luigi Giacosi


The Climax
Production Coordinator
A violin player is going to be father of a sixth child by his second mistress, Marisa. Quite nervous about that, he does not leave the clinic... except to drive Giulia, his legitimate wife, along with his legitimate kids to the station as they leave for a vacation at the seaside.
Confusões à Italiana
Production Coordinator
Três histórias. - Um homem confessa e pede segredo sobre sua impotência sexual para um médico amigo, mas é traído. - Um funcionário de banco, depois de uma tumultuada relação com uma garçonete, volta a ficar solteiro. - Adultos exploram a ingenuidade de uma garota de sua vizinhança e se deparam com o pai da mesma como obstáculo.
Seduzida e Abandonada
Production Manager
Um homem siciliano desesperado, cuja filha de 15 anos foi seduzida e engravidada pelo noivo da filha mais velha, tenta encontrar uma maneira de salvar a honra da família. O filme apresenta a história de Agnese Ascalone, filha do proeminente mineiro Vincenzo Ascalone, e se passa em uma pequena cidade da Sicília. Agnese é seduzida pelo noivo de sua irmã Matilde, e tem um encontro com ele pelo qual ela confessa e tenta se arrepender, apenas para ser descoberta por sua mãe e pai. O filme é uma sátira sombria dos costumes sociais sicilianos e das leis de honra, e é muito semelhante ao filme Divórcio à Italiana (1961). (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
The Basilisks
Production Manager
Em uma pequena aldeia assolada pela pobreza no sul da Itália vivem Antonio, Francesco e Sergio: três jovens desempregados que levam vidas monótonas. Eles passam o tempo andando pelas ruas atrás de garotas, sempre fazendo planos hesitantes e aprisionados pela própria letargia.
From a Roman Balcony
Romani (uncredited)
The ironic study of a young man's poignant adventures and sensual adventures...based on "Roman Tales" by Alberto Moravia.
Vacations in Majorca
Production Manager
Ugly, persistent, and (initially) annoying admirer pursues a beautiful actress. At first he is laughed of, especially by his ultra handsome rival, but with his firm insistence, and gradually emerging charm, he seduces the lady, to the total shocked surprise of his rival.
L'amico del giaguaro
A grown man named Augusto escapes from an orphanage and after several unsuccessful attempts at holding down a job, decides to start a gang and make a living by stealing from the rich.
March's Child
Line Producer
Francesca and Sandro meet, falls for each other and get married. But the differences between them are too many and the separation is around the corner.
O Ferroviário
Production Coordinator
Train operator Andrea Marcocci has to witness the suicide of a desperate man who jumps in front of his train. Under the influence of this shock he starts making mistakes. A check up by a doctor reveals that he's at the brink of becoming an alcoholic. Due to this evaluation he is degraded and must accept a salary cut.
An American in Rome
Nando Moriconi is a young Italian living in the early '50s Roma. He is completely crazy for everything that comes from the States. He tries to speak American-English (the most funny ever), to wear like he thinks Americans do, to walk like John Wayne, trying to eat cornflakes with ketchup... His life is a complete parody of the real American way of life, which he couldn't ever get.
A Estrada da Vida
Line Producer
Gelsomina é vendida por sua mãe para Zampanò. Ambos não têm nada em comum: o jeito ingênuo e humilde da jovem é o oposto da rudeza de Zampanò, um artista mambembe. A chegada de um equilibrista que admira especialmente Gelsomina trará acontecimentos inesperados.
Onde Está a Liberdade?
First Assistant Director
Salvatore Lojacono sai da prisão após cumprir uma pena de 20 anos. Sem conseguir se adaptar ao novo mundo pós-guerra, ele tenta de tudo para voltar à cadeia.
O Juiz Dirige a Comédia
Avvocato Terenzio
A day at an Italian trial court, where a magistrate judges a full array of peculiar petty crimes and characters.
Os Boas-Vidas
Set Decoration
Quatro amigos mimados vivem na farra e em busca de mulheres. Quando Fausto engravida a irmã de Moraldo, o avô da criança o obriga a casar, o que faz o rapaz repensar sua forma de levar a vida.
Os Boas-Vidas
Production Manager
Quatro amigos mimados vivem na farra e em busca de mulheres. Quando Fausto engravida a irmã de Moraldo, o avô da criança o obriga a casar, o que faz o rapaz repensar sua forma de levar a vida.
Mercado de Mulheres
Production Manager
A police officer meets a girl who is near to falling into the net of shady individuals. To prevent this, he invites her into the police station and tells her a story.
Mercado de Mulheres
A police officer meets a girl who is near to falling into the net of shady individuals. To prevent this, he invites her into the police station and tells her a story.
Mercado de Mulheres
A police officer meets a girl who is near to falling into the net of shady individuals. To prevent this, he invites her into the police station and tells her a story.
Francisco, Arauto de Deus
Production Manager
In a series of simple and joyous vignettes, director Roberto Rossellini and co-writer Federico Fellini lovingly convey the universal teachings of the People’s Saint: humility, compassion, faith, and sacrifice. Gorgeously photographed to evoke the medieval paintings of Saint Francis’s time, and cast with monks from the Nocera Inferiore Monastery, The Flowers of St. Francis is a timeless and moving portrait of the search for spiritual enlightenment.
L'isola de Montecristo
A man comes home from the war and finds both his plant and his family destroyed.
Scadenza trenta giorni
Scadenza trenta giorni
Il processo delle zitelle
Porte chiuse
A Pilot Returns
Production Manager
A young Italian pilot is interned in a British prison camp after his plane is shot down during the war against Greece. He falls in love with a doctor's daughter and manages to escape during a bombardment. He reaches home, wounded, just as news arrives of the Greek surrender.
Teresa Venerdì
Production Manager
A comedy of errors in which the sweetly incompetent Dr. Pietro Vignali (de Sica) has been run deep into debt by his girlfriend, Loletta Prima (Magnani). After his creditors threaten to sell his belongings, he takes a job as an orphanage health inspector to pay his debts and ends up engaged to wealthy Lilli, daughter of a mattress tycoon, and chased after by the orphan Teresa Venerdí, while trying to keep his life in order.
Il capitano degli ussari
Production Manager
Luciano Serra, Pilot
Production Manager
Successful WWI pilot Luciano Serra has problems adjusting to an ordinary life in peace, so he leaves his family and becomes a pilot in America. In the 30s, his son in Italy wants also to become a pilot, and Luciano accepts an offer of a double dealing agent for a flight from Rio to Rome, but his plane crashes in the Atlantic. For the world Luciano Serra is missing, but he has entered the Italian army under a new name to fight in Ethiopia. The train in which his unit travels is attacked by Ethiopian soldiers, his son flying a reconasaince mission is shot down and wounded by the same attacking enemies. Will Luciano be able to fly the plane back, to get close air support for the outnumbered Italian troups?