Betsy Sligh


Volta Pra Mim
Middle School Girlfriend
Assim que Peter e Emma se conhecem, descobrem que ambos foram dispensados por seus companheiros no mesmo fim de semana. Mas tudo fica ainda pior quando eles descobrem que seus ex's já estão em novos relacionamentos. Com medo de perderem a chance de terem um "felizes para sempre", Peter e Emma bolam um plano quase perfeito para voltarem para seus ex's.
A Boneca que Virou Gente 2
Trabalhando na empresa de brinquedos Marathon Toys, a jovem executiva Grace está passando por uma crise. Mas, quando sua boneca Eve (Tyra Banks) toma vida, a empresária ganha uma ajuda para dar a volta por cima e impedir que a famosa linha de bonecas pare de ser fabricada.
Bad Girl
Bad Apple is the story of Quinn Robinson, a Pastor's daughter who learns a valuable life lesson while at Christian Summer Camp. Pastor Robinson and his family are just settling into their new house and new church home. Pastor Robinson is a stern man with a high school sports and military background. His wife Melinda grew up in hard times during her childhood, but as an adult wants to enjoy the finer things in life.
The Maiden
A real estate agent tries to sell a haunted house.
Dooba Dooba
A babysitter gets more than she bargained for when she meets Monroe.
A family of homesteaders taken captive by a gang of outlaws. Their survival comes to rest in the hands of Irene: a loud-mouthed 12-year-old girl who's got an uncanny knack for shooting guns.
Half-sisters Blake and Lennon destroy themselves as they try to understand the cause of their mother's untimely suicide.