The story focuses on the relationship of two teenagers, "Emma" and "David", played by young actors Juliana Rivera and José E. Segarra, who come from different worlds and are surrounded by complex social problems such as peer pressure. , drugs, discrimination and lack of affection
The story focuses on the relationship of two teenagers, "Emma" and "David", played by young actors Juliana Rivera and José E. Segarra, who come from different worlds and are surrounded by complex social problems such as peer pressure. , drugs, discrimination and lack of affection
The story focuses on the relationship of two teenagers, "Emma" and "David", played by young actors Juliana Rivera and José E. Segarra, who come from different worlds and are surrounded by complex social problems such as peer pressure. , drugs, discrimination and lack of affection
A story inspired by the legacy of William Shakespare and the classic Romeo and Juliet. Cristal and Ángelo fall in love amid a life full of violence, drugs, and social deterioration. Their families lead opposing drug gangs within the community where they live. Can Cristal's and Ángelo's love overcome the negative environment around them?
A story inspired by the legacy of William Shakespare and the classic Romeo and Juliet. Cristal and Ángelo fall in love amid a life full of violence, drugs, and social deterioration. Their families lead opposing drug gangs within the community where they live. Can Cristal's and Ángelo's love overcome the negative environment around them?