James Mayberry


A Vastidão da Noite
No período da Guerra Fria, enquanto acontece a corrida espacial entre os Estados Unidos e a União Soviética, dois adolescentes de uma cidadezinha americana são obcecados pelo rádio. Quando eles descobrem uma estranha frequência de ondas aéreas, suas vidas e o mundo inteiro podem estar prestes a mudar drasticamente.
Diana is a troubled, bulimic socialite who lives with her loving husband and shoplifts to get herself off. Julie is an unstable, homeless rape victim who lives with a corrupt priest and steals to survive. They form an uneasy friendship.
Attica: A Solução Final
Scared inmate
Kyle Bodine, detetive, se envolve em um relacionamento com Rachel Munro, casada com Rupert, banqueiro. Rachel mata acidentalmente Rupert e convence Bodine a ajudá-la a se livrar do corpo, tornando-o suspeito na investigação de homicídio.
Grass Roots
This sequel to the 1983 miniseries, "Chiefs," continues the saga of the Lee family with Will Lee, an ambitious Georgia lawyer running for the U.S. Senate at the same time he is forced by a local judge to defend a young man in a murder trial. On top of this, he becomes the target of an assassin hired by a white-supremacist organization.
Red Nights
The Story of a Idealistic Young man (Played by Chris Parker), who goes to Los Angeles to become an actor, but is disillusioned and jaded when the cold and realistic violent world of Hollywood shatters then explodes all around him.