Max Rushden


A Game of Three Halves: Where the F%*ck Is Hamish?
Guts and glory are at stake in the Saturday recreational soccer league. This hilarious animation perfectly captures the highs and lows of coaxing together a motley crew to show up on time and game ready every week, but at the end of the day it's all worth it for the beautiful game.
A Game of Three Halves: Where the F%*ck Is Hamish?
Guts and glory are at stake in the Saturday recreational soccer league. This hilarious animation perfectly captures the highs and lows of coaxing together a motley crew to show up on time and game ready every week, but at the end of the day it's all worth it for the beautiful game.
Svengali: Gigantes do Rock
Svengali conta a história de Dixie (Jonny Owen), um carteiro do País de Gales e fanático por música. Toda sua vida ele sonhava em descobrir uma grande banda e, em seguida, um dia, vasculhar o YouTube, ele encontra 'The Premature Congratulations'.