Amir Harel


Valeria Is Getting Married
Christina is a Ukrainian woman who moved to Israel through a ‘bride-to-order’ kind of deal. Compared to her life back in Ukraine, life in Israel is great for Christina. She works in a beauty salon, earns her own money, and loves Israel. Her Israeli husband Michael is also satisfied with this marriage. He is happy that he found a woman who can live with him. In fact, he is so satisfied that he starts his own little business scouting for Ukrainian brides for other Israeli men. Michael’s recent matchmaking is a special one—the bride’s name is Valeria, and she’s Christina’s younger sister. Michael went out of his way and found the best man he could get for her. His name is Eitan, and while he may not be the most handsome guy in the country, he is a good-hearted, generous man. However, Valeria is different to her older sister. And the whole delicate balance is at risk.
Legend of Destruction
What had initially started out as a Jewish revolt against the Roman occupation, quickly turned into a fierce civil war. The combination of religious messianic zeal and the friction between social classes proved disastrous and resulted in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Holy Temple.
What if? Ehud Barak on War and Peace
Can a leader succeed in influencing the world? Or is he, as any other human being, only a nutshell tossed to the waves of history with no ability to affect it? Tolstoy pondered this question in War and Peace. Ehud Barak, controversial former prime minister and a decorated commander on the battlefield, contemplates it in this film. Twenty years after he was forced to resign from the premiership due to the failure of the 2000 Camp David summit, 78-year-old Barak observes his own history and the history of the State of Israel with disillusioned clarity, while trying to figure it all out - "What if?"
Não Mexa com Ela
While her husband struggles to keep his restaurant in business, a mother of three lands a job as an assistant to a powerful, but sexually harrassive realtor and brings herself to fight back.
Saints Rest
A musical drama set in small-town Iowa, SAINTS REST tells the story of two estranged sisters, who over the course of one summer, form a connection through their shared love of music, as they grieve the recent death of their mother.
Em Toda Parte
Homme du Mossad
Yvan sente-se perseguido por um crescente antissemitismo, e ele costumava ouvir que ele exagera, que ele é paranoico. Durante as sessões com o seu terapeuta, Yvan, então, fala sobre o que o preocupa: a sua identidade, sobre ser francês e judeu hoje. Mas esses encontros são também, e sobretudo, uma espécie de fio vermelho que liga uma série de histórias curtas que tentam desconstruir, de modo tragicômico, os maiores clichês antissemitas que perduram na sociedade.
Naama Barash tem 17 anos, gosta de beber, se drogar e sair com amigos que têm o mesmo estilo de vida. Suas atitudes são uma fuga de seu lar, com os pais sempre brigando e a irmã, rebelde e militar, que um dia desaparece. Quando conhece uma nova aluna de sua escola, Naama se apaixona pela primeira vez. A intensidade da experiência a deixa confusa e lhe dá um novo significado à vida.
The Polgar Variant
The extraordinary story of three Hungarian-Jewish sisters who were raised in communist Budapest of the 1970s to become chess masters.
Mrs. Moskowitz and the Cats
When Yolanda Moscowitz, a retired French teacher, wakes up in a hospital geriatric ward, she is convinced it must be a mistake. But the titanium plate in her hip confines her to a wheelchair and to a lengthy convalescence. Nonetheless, Yolanda discovers a new life in the hospital. She develops a close relationship with Allegra, a solitary woman who is her roommate, and she meets Shaul, a former soccer player, who makes her feel certain emotions she thought had vanished from her life for good.
Você já se perguntou "Qual é o significado da vida? Por que nós existimos?" A resposta a esta questão inquietante está agora ao seu alcance! Você vai encontrá-lo em um livreto pequeno, mas surpreendente, que irá explicar de uma forma fácil de seguir e em termos simples sua razão de ser! O livreto, impresso no melhor papel, contém imagens coloridas iluminadas e requintadas, e pode ser seu por meros US $ 9,99.
O Paraíso, Agora!
Dois jovens amigos palestinianos, Khaled e Saïd, são recrutados para cometerem um atentado suicida em Telavive. Após a última noite com as famílias, sem se poderem despedir, são levados à fronteira com as bombas atadas à volta do corpo. No entanto, a operação não corre como esperado e eles perdem-se um do outro. Separados, são confrontados com o seu destino e as suas próprias convicções...
Andando Sobre As Águas
Após o suicídio de sua esposa, um agente secreto israelense recebe a tarefa de capturar o criminoso nazista Alfred Himmelman, supostamente vivo. Sua pista é o neto de Alfred, que está em Israel para visitar a irmã. O israelense torna-se amigo do rapaz e da moça, o que gera uma crise de consciência no agente.
'Veterans', focuses on WW2 veterans, once fighters in the Red Army and now uprooted immigrants, fighting for their place in society. These people, who experienced the twentieth century's bloodiest war as Soviet soldiers, immigrated to Israel after the collapse of the Soviet Union and found themselves in a society that is totally indifferent to their glorious past. The film offers a close and compassionate look at the veterans' lives, fueled by complexity, pain, and an almost silent insult, alongside joy and self-deprecating humor. The feeling of living on borrowed time drives the veterans to embark on what may be their last adventure.