A teenage boy, raised by a mother who considers herself psychic, takes a bullied kid into his group of violent misfits. As the group’s troubles escalate toward life-threatening situations, an inner voice awakens in the boy and, with the help of his mother and his new friend, he manages to find his own path.
1918. World War I rages in Europe while Erna Jensen tends to her ordinary life at home in Bramstrup, with her simple-minded son, Kalle. One day the village constable comes to enlist Kalle for military service for the German Empire – of which Southern Jutland is a part. If Erna is to save Kalle from certain death, she must follow him through thick and thin. Upon a chance meeting with a deserting solder she trades identities. Now disguised as Private Julius Rasmussen, Erna heads for the front. In her encounters with the other soldiers and in the presence of the war, unknown sides of Erna are awoken. This is the story of a woman who won’t let a war prevent her from fighting for what she loves.
A radical film that reveals the gap between the world of top-class Olympic sports and the real life of Kenyan marathon runner Visiline Jepkesho. With the not particularly lavish prize money she has to feed her whole extended family.
Alice percebe que está prestes a perder a custódia de seus dois filhos. Em uma última tentativa desesperada ela os sequestra, e os leva em uma viagem ilegal às Ilhas Canárias.
Tina (Eva Melander) é uma policial que trabalha no aeroporto fiscalizando bagagens e passageiros. Depois de ser atingida por um raio na infância, ela desenvolveu uma espécie de sexto sentido, fazendo com que seja capaz de “ler as pessoas” apenas pelo o olhar. Isso sempre representou uma vantagem na sua profissão, mas tudo muda quando ela identifica um criminoso em potencial e não consegue achar provas para justificar sua intuição. Após o episódio, ela passa a questionar seu dom, ao mesmo tempo em que fica obcecada em descobrir qual o verdadeiro segredo de Vore (Eero Milonoff), seu único suspeito não legitimado.
It’s minus 30 degrees Celsius (minus 22 degrees F) and 20 y/o Conny walks around like a restless criminal with his hoodie up in a small forgotten village in northern Sweden. He's not welcome anywhere and the whole village seems to hate him. Yesterday he panicked and drove away from his girlfriend’s delivery of their baby - but now he has repented and wants to come back. But what will it take for her to forgive him?
Elle Marja, de 14 anos, é uma garota da etnia sámi. Exposta ao racismo dos anos 1930 e a exames biológicos em seu colégio interno, ela passa a sonhar com outra vida. Para alcançá-la, a jovem tem que se tornar outra pessoa e cortar todos os laços com sua família e sua cultura.
In 1988, emerging Danish playwright Jens Michael Schau killed his partner of 13 years, the acclaimed author Christian Kampmann, in a fit of jealous rage. The scandal gripped the nation as Schau pleaded guilty and accepted his prison sentence. Now released, Schau is a remorseful recluse who fears the gaze of friends he and Kampmann once shared. Under the weight of his conscience, he has never broken his silence about his horrifying act, until now.
Elle, 78, doesn't like Sámi people—even though she is Sámi. Pressured by her son, she returns north for her sister's funeral. When she realizes he's planned for them to stay with their relatives, Elle checks into a hotel.
15-year-old Julie feels that time stands still in the suburban neighborhood where she lives with her helpless mother and older sister. When her sister's boyfriend drops by the house a warm day during summer vacation she sees the opportunity to not only escape from the heavy weighing atmosphere of her childhood home, but also to satisfy some of the restlessness and curiosity that lives in her evolving teenage body.
The film shows a strong bond between two brothers that live in a remote fjord with their parents. We look into their world through the eyes of the younger brother and follow him on a journey that marks a turning point in the lives of the brothers.