Ucrânia, 1919. A amizade de dois rapazes, Anton e Jacob, um cristão, o outro judeu, consegue sobreviver aos preconceitos e ódio que dominam as mentes dos adultos após a Primeira Guerra Mundial e a Revolução Russa.
Hostage Taker
Luke, investigador GSG-10, e Theo, policial, têm que se unir quando Mascha, a filha do presidente da Moldávia, é sequestrada do Palácio de Bellevue, na Alemanha. Em sua missão de resgate, os dois deixam um enorme rastro de devastação, com seus métodos nada convencionais. Junto com a hacker Nicki, eles descobrem uma conspiração que revela que o sequestro é mais do que um mero pedido de resgate.
Germany refuses to receive any more refugees. The only way to obtain citizenship is to survive the popular TV show 'Immigration Game'. Whoever participates as a 'Runner' will be abandoned on the outskirts of Berlin and must make their way to the television tower at Alexanderplatz. For a prize money every German citizen may chase and eventually kill the refugees entirely unpunished.
The nine year old Larissa lives in the Luneburg Heath. She is in the clique "The Timies", which is devoted to historical events and facts. In this summer holidays, Larissa's cousins from Berlin are visiting the Luneburg Heath for the first time. From now on, Emma more and more realizes that she disposes of a mysterious talent. By touching antique objects she is able to look into the past of these things. Will they be able to find this treasure? And what has this shining crystal appearing in Emma's visions to do with it?