Simone Chiossi


Where Life Begins
Sound Effects
An ultra-orthodox Jewish family from Aix-les-Bains comes to a farm in southern Italy for a brief stay every year to carry out a sacred mission: harvesting citrons. Here Elio, the farm owner, meets Esther, the rabbi’s daughter, who is tired of the constraints imposed by her religion. Through this relationship, Esther will understand the importance of freedom and find her path, and, in the same way, Elio will find the peace he had lost for a long time.
Vera De Verdad
Sound Designer
Vera, a ten-year-old girl who loves astronomy, disappears without a trace while walking with Claudio, her teacher, near the cliff of Punta Crena, in Liguria. Two years later she returns, but instead of being a teenager, she is a woman of about twenty-five years old. She doesn’t remember anything. When images resurface in her memory, Vera realizes that she has lived the life of a man, clinically dead, who woke up at the same moment in which she vanished in nothing.
Bad Tales
Foley Artist
Algumas famílias que vivem nos subúrbios de Roma, estão próximas das tensões que podem explodir a qualquer momento. E são as crianças que provocam o colapso.
Boys Cry
Sound Effects Editor
Mirko e Manolo são dois adolescentes moradores dos subúrbios de Roma, eles frequentam o ensino médio e entregam pizzas pela cidade. Durante uma noite de trabalho, os jovens atropelam um homem e fogem sem prestar socorros.
MMA Love Never Dies
Sound Effects
Una casa nel cuore
Sound Effects Editor
When a man disappears and leaves a daughter and mother in heavy debt they have to live on a houseboat to make ends meet. - IMDB
Tulpa - Perdições Mortais
Sound Effects Editor
Lisa Boeri passa os dias estressada, lidando com contratos que envolvem fortunas na empresa corretora de valores para a qual trabalha. Ao anoitecer, enquanto seus colegas vão a pubs ou a suas casas descansar com suas famílias, Lisa frequenta Tulpa, um clube budista de sexo, e lá realiza seus desejos sexuais mais selvagens. No entanto, todas as pessoas com quem Lisa transa começam a ser misteriosamente assassinadas.