Eduardo Hidalgo


Jornada Para Belém
Production Design
Uma jovem carregando uma responsabilidade inimaginável. Um jovem dividido entre o amor e a honra. Um rei ciumento que não se deterá diante de nada para manter sua coroa. Esta aventura musical de Natal em live-action para toda a família mescla melodias clássicas de Natal com humor, fé e novas canções pop em uma releitura da maior história já contada, a história de Maria e José e o nascimento de Jesus. Uma nova entrada única na coleção de filmes clássicos de férias, este musical épico de Natal é diferente de todos os anteriores.
Buscando a Perico
Set Decoration
Buscando a Perico
Production Design
The Crazy Neighbors 2
Art Direction
Fermin and Julio are two married men whose wives, Justina and Mireya, are political leaders. While Justine is part of a conservative party, Mireya leads one that is feminist. Their husbands have become something completely different to what is generally expected in that is it they who are responsible for caring for their children, cleaning the house, etc...though of course they also get into trouble with women. Fermin and Julio are regulars at a whorehouse who runs Encarna, but it's unusual in that in addition to its main function, it also servers as a nursery.
Set Decoration
In a restaurant they're preparing a grand banquet in honor of a sports association of anglers, but several circumstances seem to have conspired to boycott the event.
¡Susana quiere perder... eso!
Set Decoration
Las desarraigadas
Set Decoration
La iniciación en el amor
Set Decoration
spanish movie
Imposible para una solterona
Assistant Set Decoration
Gina is a single woman with a good job. From very attractive features, its beauty shines it should not because of their excess weight. Her boyfriend decides to leave her and from that moment her life is shrouded in sadness and monotony. Everything changes when he bursts into her life a very handsome young man called Luis. But it's intentions are not clear, Gina must discover the reasons that really move her wooer ...
The Passengers
Set Decoration