Michael Tolan

Michael Tolan

Nascimento : 1925-11-27, Detroit, Michigan, USA

Morte : 2011-01-31


Michael Tolan


A Estranha Perfeita
Rowena Price é uma repórter investigativa, que teve uma amiga assassinada recentemente. Ela descobre que este fato pode estar relacionado a Harrison Hill, um poderoso executivo de publicidade. Com a ajuda de Miles Haley, Rowena decide se infiltrar disfarçada. Passando-se por Katherine, uma funcionária temporária na agência de Hill, e Veronica, uma garota com quem Hill flerta pela internet, Rowena passa a cercá-lo por todos os lados possíveis. Porém ela logo descobre que não é a única que está trocando de identidade.
When Will I Be Loved?
Eric Patterson
Three disillusioned wives who are contemplating divorce compare notes on their stormy marriages.
Acima de Qualquer Suspeita
Mr. Polhemus
Rusty Sabich é um promotor que descobre que Carolyn Polhemus, sua colega, foi brutalmente assassinada. Obrigado a lidar com as investigações, Rusty tenta apagar os indícios de seu caso com Carolyn. Ele é preso, mas, decidido a provar sua inocência, contrata Steine; ele conta apenas com a ajuda do detetive Lipranzer e com Barbara, sua esposa, que sempre soube de seu caso com Carolyn, mas decidiu ficar ao seu lado
Solomon Northup's Odyssey
Henry Northup
This is based on a true story. Solomon Northrop is a black man in the mid 19th century before slavery was abolished. He's a born freeman who works as a carpenter and is also a part time musician. One day he is approached by some men who want him to play for them. However, that is not their intention; they have kidnapped him and sold him into slavery. Now he has to endure the hardships that he has been spared because of his status as a freeman. And his family who don't know what happened to him is searching for him but where do they go? And Solomon also wishes to let them know where he is so that they could get him but unfortunately no one believes his story or is willing to help him.
Talk to Me
Dr. Howard
Richard, a successful New York accountant, has a chronic stuttering problem that causes great exhaustion and personal strife for him. After trying a number of different therapies to alleviate his condition, Richard travels to Roanoke, Virginia, where he enters the Hollins Institute, a treatment center devoted to the research and cure for stuttering. Here, Richard's painful memories form the core of this poignant drama.
Amigos Para Sempre
Executive Producer
A young immigrant comes to America in the 60s and is caught up in the counterculture movement which tests his bonds of friendship and love.
O Show Deve Continuar
Dr. Ballinger
Joe Gideon (Roy Scheider) é um diretor de cinema e coreógrafo mulherengo, que trabalha simultaneamente na edição de seu filme e nos ensaios de um musical. Nisto ele sofre um infarte e, com a vida por um fio, revê momentos da sua vida, transformando-os em sua imaginação em números musicais. Sua atenção é disputada por 4 mulheres: sua namorada, a ex-esposa, a filha e a Morte, representada por uma bela loira vestida de branco, que conversa com ele de forma bem instigante.
Loose Change
Mark Stewart
Three girlfriends -- an author, an artist, and a political activist -- mature and change during the turbulent 1960s.
Night Terror
Walter Turney
A housewife flees from a policeman's killer on the road between Phoenix and Denver.
Perilous Voyage
Reynaldo Solis
A South American guerrilla, whose revolution is faltering, hijacks a ship carrying arms and holds all of the passengers hostage.
Valley Forge
George Washington struggles to hold his army together at a critical point during the Revolutionary War.
The 300-Year Weekend
Dr. Marshall
A doctor spends 24 hours in a clinic with a group of patients. Each character has his or her own story to tell, about their fathers, mothers, or spouses who don't understand them, and how they've turned instead to drugs.
John e Mary
John and Mary meet in a singles bar, sleep together, and spend the next day getting to know each other.
The Lost Man
Insp. Carl Hamilton
A gang of black militants plots to rob a factory to finance their "revolutionary struggle."
A Hora da Pistola
Pete Spence
As armas não sossegam por muito tempo quando os justiceiros Wyatt Earp e Doc Holliday enfrentam foras-da-lei no velho Oeste. James Garner (Maverick) e Jason Robards * (ganhador do Oscar®, Todos os Homens do Presidente) são os lendários pistoleiros desta eletrizante história baseada em fatos, considerada "o mais próximo que alguém já chegou de contar a verdadeira história do tiroteio de OK Corral" (segundo o L.A. Herald-Examiner). A poeira nem teve tempo de baixar em OK Corral, e os famosos irmãos Clanton estão em busca de vingança. Um a um, eles matam os irmãos de Wyatt Earp - mas não darão o último tiro desta história. Com a autoridade da sua estrela de xerife e Doc Holliday (Robards) como braço direito, Earp (Garner) prepara o ato de vingança que o Oeste nunca mais vai esquecer.
Elmer B. Kafka
A young American girl is found dead in Gota Kanal, Swedens largest channel. Since there are hardly any clues or evidence at all it seems as if the murder cant be solved. Martin Beck and his men are assigned to the case. Soon they find a likely suspect and together with a police woman they begin a cat and mouse game to catch him.
The Mind-Benders: LSD and the Hallucinogens
Narrator (voice)
This FDA film explores the history of hallucinogenic drugs, and specifically the effects and therapeutic uses of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). Combining graphics that suggest a hallucinogenic experience, snippets of interviews with users (who explain their reasons for taking the drug) and doctors, and taped sessions of research with volunteers, the film delves into the destructive as well as possible positive uses of the drug.
The Journey of the Fifth Horse
Nikolai Alexeyvich Chulkaturin
Dustin Hoffman stars in this television adaptation of Ivan Turgenev's tale about Dmitri Zoditch, a simple manuscript reader at a publishing house whose grand dreams don't square with his dead-end job and miserable apartment. When he's assigned to read the diary of a nobleman, he finds bitter parallels between his own pathetic existence and the wasted life described in the journal. Michael Tolan and Charlotte Rae co-star.
A Maior História de Todos os Tempos
A vida de Jesus de Nazaré (Max von Sydow). Seu nascimento, as pregações, milagres, julgamento, crucificação e ressurreição.
The Dybbuk
The Dybbuk is a made for TV film adaptation of a classic Jewish folktale. The story is about a young Jewish man, Sender (Theodore Bikel) who loves a young Jewish woman, Leah (Carol Lawrence) but her father arranges her marriage with another man. The grief of this causes Sender to die, but his spirit passes into the body of his beloved on her wedding day. Rabbi Azrael (Ludwig Donath), who serves as our narrator through the beginning of the film, is charged with the task of exercising Sender’s Dybbuk (sometimes defined as a malicious spirit or demon who possesses the living) from Leah’s body.
Inner Sanctum: Port of Regrets
Maurice Larak
A distinguished judge who feels that no leniency is deserved in crimes of passion finds himself involved in a crime of passion.
Júlio César
Officer to Octavius
Em Roma, (exatamente nos idos de março de 44 A.C., como tinha sido previsto) César (Louis Calhern) é assassinado, pois os senadores alegam que sua ambição o transformaria em um tirano. Mas Marco Antonio (Marlon Brando) consegue, em um inflamado discurso, reverter a situação e os conspiradores são obrigados a fugir. A partir de então dois exércitos são formados, um comandado por Marco Antonio e Otávio (Douglass Watson) e o outro por Cássio (John Gielgud) e Brutus (James Mason), sendo que este segundo exército é numericamente inferior, mas os conspiradores preferem cometer suicídio a serem capturados.
A young Indian brave attempts to bring peace to two warring tribes.
Trágica Emboscada
Long Mane
The only white survivor of a Crow Indian raid on a wagon train is a young boy. He is rescued by the Sioux, and the Sioux chief raises him as an Indian in very way. Years later, the white men and the Sioux threaten to go to war and the Indian-raised white man is torn between his racial loyalties and his adopted tribe.
Fort Worth
Mort Springer (as Lawrence Tolan)
Ex-gunfighter Ned Britt returns to Fort Worth after the civil war to help run a newspaper which is against ambitious men and their schemes for control.
Um Grito de Angústia
Leo Daly (as Lawrence Tolan)
A warden and his assistant clash over prison reform, triggering a violent riot.
Um Preço para Cada Crime
James 'Duke' Malloy
Após anos de investigação, o Promotor Assistente Distrital Martin Ferguson conseguiu construir um caso sólido contra um gangster fugidio cujo tenente-chefe está prestes a testemunhar…