Shannon McDonough


Reindeer Games Homecoming
Teri Mazze
When her father dies, MacKenzie keeps his tradition of the town's fundraising "The Reindeer Games" alive, but when high school crush Chase shows up and plays against her, the spark between them is undeniable.
The Lakehouse Murders
Sheriff Brant
Elise and her husband Allan have finally found the perfect home: it's secluded, on a lake, and the two can finally enjoy a little quiet while Elise works on her novel. A few weeks later, a couple moves into the vacant cabin next door, and Elise goes to greet them, only to realize - she knows them. The new neighbors are Elise's former best friend, Geena, and Lee, the man Geena stole from Elise years ago. The couple feels guilty for how their relationship ended and want to make things right - but unbeknownst to Elise, Lee will do anything to get Elise back.
Secretly Santa
Chocolate Vendor
Miranda and Paul, two business rivals who playfully despise each other, work together on a holiday gift-giving app, and unexpected feelings develop for one another.
Boyfriends of Christmas Past
Leading up to Christmas, marketing executive, Lauren, is visited by the ghosts of four ex-boyfriends. She must learn to open her heart or risk losing her best friend, Nate.
O Caso Spotlight
Quando a tenaz equipa de repórteres denominada "Spotlight" investiga as alegações de abuso no seio da Igreja Católica, acaba por descobrir décadas de encobrimento aos mais altos níveis das instituições de Boston - religiosas, legais, e mesmo do governo, desencadeando uma onda de revelações por todo mundo.
Camille: Um Amor de Outro Mundo
Kentucky. Camille (Sienna Miller) é uma doce garota completamente apaixonada por Silias (James Franco), o único homem que já amou. Eles se casam e partem em lua de mel, de acordo com os sonhos de Camille. Só que, durante o caminho até as cataratas do Niagara, uma série de eventos atrapalham a vida do casal. Camille está disposta a superá-los, mesmo que para tanto tenha que pôr sua própria vida em jogo.