Paulene Myers

Paulene Myers

Nascimento : 1913-11-09,

Morte : 1996-12-08


Paulene Myers


Meu Primo Vinny
Constance Riley
Dois amigos visitam uma pequena cidade do interior americano, quando são confundidos com assaltantes. Atrás das grades, um deles se lembra de um primo, Vinny, que é advogado. O problema é que ele acabou de se formar e nunca exerceu a profissão.
Benny's Place
Miss Atty Carter
Time begins to catches up to a tough factory worker who is feeling threatened by younger men at work and at play.
Angel City
Jared Teeter has to work in a forced labor camp in Florida to make ends meet. "Angel City" is no place for the faint of heart.
Irmãos de Sangue
Mrs. Pitt
A young man is torn between following in his brothers' footsteps or striking out on his own.
This 1977 drama by Phillip Hayes Dean, deals with the sad division between what a man hopes for and what he achieves. In the title role, Dick Anthony Williams portrays a naïve, ambitious, recklessly optimistic man who is not understood by those closest to him and who finds himself in difficulty because of his unrealistic hopes.
Attack on Terror: The FBI vs. the Ku Klux Klan
Mrs. Gilmore
After three civil-rights workers are murdered in Mississippi in 1964, a team of FBI agents is sent there to find the killers.
Lost in the Stars
A black South African minister searches the unfamiliar back alleys and shantytowns of Johannesburg for his son.
Golpe de Mestre
Alva Coleman
Após o assassinato de um amigo em comum, o aspirante a vigarista Johnny Hooker junta-se ao velho Henry Gondorff para se vingar de Doyle Lonnega, o cruel chefe responsável pelo crime. Hooker e Gondorff implementam um plano elaborado para que Lonnegan não descubra que está sendo enganado. O grande golpe começa a se desenrolar, mas as coisas não saem como planejaram e a destemida dupla faz improvisações de última hora.
When an African-American basketball star suffers sudden paralysis, his white friend and teammate assists in his rehabilitation.
O Ocaso de uma Estrela
Mrs. Edson
Chronicles the rise and fall of legendary blues singer Billie Holiday. Her late childhood, stint as a prostitute, early tours, marriages and drug addiction are featured.
Black Chariot
The drifter's mother
Young black man joins a black nationalist group, which is betrayed by a turncoat.
… tick… tick… tick…
Mrs. Harley
Racial tensions threaten to explode when a black man is elected sheriff of a small, racially divided town in the Deep South.
Glória e Lágrimas de um Cômico
An account of the rise and fall of a silent film comic, Billy Bright. The movie begins with his funeral, as he speaks from beyond the grave in a bitter tone about his fate, and takes us through his fame, as he ruins it with womanizing and drink, and his fall, as a lonely, bitter old man unable to reconcile his life's disappointments. The movie is based loosely on the life of Buster Keaton.
500 Milhas
Cleaning Woman (uncredited)
Frank Capua is a rising star on the race circuit who dreams of winning the big one - the Indianapolis 500. But to get there he runs the risk of losing his wife Elora to his rival, Luther Erding, and strains the relationship with his stepson.
Sombras Sobre a Terra
Patriotic freedom fighters struggle against a fascist dictatorship in a near-future USA.
I'll Take Sweden
Bob Holcomb will do anything to stop his daughter JoJo from tying the knot with her lazy boyfriend, even move her all the way to Sweden! But once they're "safely" out of the country, JoJo falls for a sly Swedish playboy.
Coração Querido
A lonely Ohio spinster hopes to find romance when she travels to New York City for a postmasters' convention.
O Destino é o Caçador
Mother (uncredited)
A man refuses to believe that pilot error caused a fatal crash, and persists in looking for another reason. Airliner crashes near Los Angeles due to unusual string of coincidences. Stewardess, who is sole survivor, joins airline executives in discovering the causes of the crash.
Shock Treatment
Dr. Walden (as Pauline Myers)
A private investigator endures the rigors of an insane asylum in order to locate $1 million in stolen loot.
O Sol é Para Todos
Jesse (uncredited)
Em 1932, na pacata Maycomb (Alabama), vivem os irmãos Jem e Scout Finch, órfãos de mãe criados pela babá negra Calpurnia e o pai Atticus Finch, advogado íntegro e respeitado na cidade, que atende gratuitamente aos mais pobres. A infância dividida entre a escola e as fantasias acerca do vizinho, o “malvado” Sr. Radley, cede espaço ao contato com a discriminação quando seu pai resolve defender o negro Tom Robinson, acusado de ter estuprado uma moça branca. Gregory Peck ganhou um Oscar por sua brilhante atuação nesta versão para o cinema do romance vencedor do Prêmio Pulitzer.
All the Fine Young Cannibals
Nurse (uncredited)
An ambitious farm girl rushes into marriage with a rich man, almost destroying four lives in the process.
Take a Giant Step
This pioneering film in the history of African-American cinema, released two years before "A Raisin In The Sun", is the coming-of-age story of a Black high-school student living in a middle-class white neighborhood in the late '50s.
Tarzan e a Tribo Nagasu
Native Mother
Dr. Sturdy is trying to establish a modern hospital in the jungle. His efforts are strongly opposed by Futa, the witch doctor, and Ramo, a native warrior.
How to Make a Monster
Millie - the Pedestrian
When master monster make-up man Pete Dumond is fired by the new bosses of American International studios, he uses his creations to exact revenge.
Sangue Sobre a Terra
Kikuyu Woman
Peter (Rock Hudson) e Kimani (Sidney Poitier) são dois amigos de infância que cresceram juntos. Quando acontece a Revolta dos Mau-Mau, Kimani - que é negro - se junta a um grupo de rebeldes que almeja expulsar os estrangeiros Quênia, já que os negros vêm sendo discriminados no país e o próprio pai de Kimani fora preso por causa de seus costumes culturais. As ações, porém, são violentas e acabam tirando a vida dos irmãos menores de Peter - que é branco. Mesmo assim, ele acredita que pode se reconciliar com o amigo e resolver o conflito apesar do racismo da sociedade entre eles.
Cupid Takes a Holiday
Dianna, the Maid (as Pauline Myers)
Because his family has a history of insanity that breaks out when a family member hasn't married by the time they are 25 years old, Nikolai Nikolaevich visits a matrimonial firm searching for a bride. But all the candidates are either too fat, too young, too old, too skinny or too ugly,and he turns them all down.