Mirosław Brożek


Pushpa: The Rise - Part 1
Director of Photography
Pushpa Raj is a coolie who rises in the world of red sandalwood smuggling. Along the way, he doesn’t shy from making an enemy or two.
Nani's Gang Leader
Director of Photography
A crime novelist is approached by a group of bereaved women to help them plot revenge against those responsible for the loss of their loved ones.
Mulheres da Máfia 2
Director of Photography
A rainha do submundo de Varsóvia está sem sorte: uma transação de drogas dá errado e ela tem que enfrentar um rival, uma aliada irritada e um fanático religioso.
Morte às Seis da Tarde
Director of Photography
Após a descoberta de um corpo costurado na pele de um boi, uma policial se dá conta de que alguém está recriando castigos do século 18 para punir criminosos.
Mulheres da Máfia
Director of Photography
O sucesso de bilheteria de Patryk Vega, 'Mulheres da Máfia', conta a história de Bela, uma ex-policial encarregada de se infiltrar em uma rede criminosa de drogas notória pela ABW (agência de contra-espionagem da Polônia). Para que sua missão seja bem-sucedida, ela deve entrar na pele deste submundo perigoso, arriscando sua própria vida no processo.
Director of Photography
"Botoks" is intended to be a record of the authentic history of strong, determined and expressive physicians who struggle with life's decisions and problems: discrimination, maternity pressures, the pursuit of youth, the fight for the right to free choice and own views.
Son of the Snow Queen
Director of Photography
Pitbull: Tough Women
Director of Photography
Two new female police officers struggle to survive a force filled with corrupt superiors and the brutal world of the criminal mafia.
Pitbull: New Orders
Camera Operator
Policemen from two precincts are joining forces to fight the Mokotowska Group.
Secret Wars
Director of Photography
After many controversies Poland's biggest military intelligence and counter-intelligence agency (commonly known as WSI) is liquidated, but its place is immediately taken by a new, secret military organization. Forced to deal with obscure cases, Its three members soon begin to doubt both their mission and the people they work for.
Last Minute
Hans Kloss
Director of Photography
O agente capitão Hans Kloss e Herman Bruner, querem encontrar um tesouro roubado, colocando suas vidas em risco.
Director of Photography
Five troubled lawmen pursue a brutal criminal.