Sebastián Mamani volta à sua comunidade aimará de origem, da qual foi expulso há algum tempo, por ter se deixado corromper enquanto líder da comunidade. Ele carrega a grande máscara da morte, para dançar até morrer, numa espécie de expiação pelos pecados que o motivaram e como forma de renascer na sua identidade cultural perdida. Durante sua viagem, ele relembra seu passado.
carefully reconstructs the events in Bolivia between 1979 and 1982. Dark years. Speaking of Alberto Natush's coup d'etat, the massacre of Todos Santos, the murders of Luis Espinal and Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz, the worker, peasant and student mobilizations, García Meza Tejada's coup d'etat and the return to the democratic process.
carefully reconstructs the events in Bolivia between 1979 and 1982. Dark years. Speaking of Alberto Natush's coup d'etat, the massacre of Todos Santos, the murders of Luis Espinal and Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz, the worker, peasant and student mobilizations, García Meza Tejada's coup d'etat and the return to the democratic process.
carefully reconstructs the events in Bolivia between 1979 and 1982. Dark years. Speaking of Alberto Natush's coup d'etat, the massacre of Todos Santos, the murders of Luis Espinal and Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz, the worker, peasant and student mobilizations, García Meza Tejada's coup d'etat and the return to the democratic process.
A rural community in the Ecuadorian Andes suddenly faces a land dispute with the legal representatives of a large company. The discovery of very rich ore deposits in the territory is the reason of the offensive greedy on those places, where the community lived since immemorial times.