Director of Photography
Director Blake Myers crafts a portrait of the Spanish and Mexican cowboys of California, known as vaqueros, in this new documentary film. Captured through the stories of locals, this visual poem shows the modern side of a centuries-old culture preserved through generational traditions. Originally from New Zealand and now residing in Los Angeles, the director spent the past year and a half with his friend, photographer Ben Kilpatrick, documenting ranches along the rivers of the sprawling city. “We both got fascinated by the area,” says Myers. “One day, we approached a few men riding along the fence line outside their stable and asked if we could take some pictures. That’s how it all started.”
Director Blake Myers crafts a portrait of the Spanish and Mexican cowboys of California, known as vaqueros, in this new documentary film. Captured through the stories of locals, this visual poem shows the modern side of a centuries-old culture preserved through generational traditions. Originally from New Zealand and now residing in Los Angeles, the director spent the past year and a half with his friend, photographer Ben Kilpatrick, documenting ranches along the rivers of the sprawling city. “We both got fascinated by the area,” says Myers. “One day, we approached a few men riding along the fence line outside their stable and asked if we could take some pictures. That’s how it all started.”
Still Photographer
Dois detetives do FBI, Joe Merriwether e Katherine Cowles perseguem um serial killer conhecido por matar suas vítimas com um objeto perfurante na nuca, sem deixar vestígios na cena do crime. Diante da ausência de provas, Joe pede ajuda ao seu amigo pessoal, o Doutor John Clancy, um poderoso vidente que vive isolado desde a morte de sua filha. Aos poucos, este novo investigador ajuda os policiais a entender a mente do assassino, até fazer uma descoberta importante: o homem responsável pelas mortes também é um vidente, ainda mais esperto que John. Pior do que isso, ele está sempre um passo à frente nas investigações.
Still Photographer
O físico Jim Beale cria uma máquina do tempo e viaja ao futuro. Nesse experimento ele encontra uma rara flor da espécie dália negra. Agora, Jim precisa achar nos dias atuais uma flor idêntica para provar que o equipamento realmente funciona.