Chow Yun-fat

Chow Yun-fat

Nascimento : 1955-05-18, Hong Kong, China


Chow Yun-fat is an Asian-born film actor who first came to the attention of western audiences via his roles in the high-octane/blazing guns action films of maverick HK director John Woo.


Chow Yun-fat
Chow Yun-fat
Chow Yun-fat
Chow Yun-fat
Chow Yun-fat
Chow Yun-fat


Don't Call Me God of Gamblers
Don't Call Me God of Gamblers
Fai, a compulsive gambler and an irresponsible man, is asked to take care of his ex-girlfriend Chik's (Anita Yuen) son, Yeung. Chik also reveals to Fai that Yeung is his son, and promises to pay him HK$100,000, so Fai agrees to be a father for one month. Soon, Fai notices his son suffers from autism and gets to understand the difficulties of raising a child with special needs. When Chik fails to show up on the date when they agreed to meet, Fai realises why she brought him his child. He finds his life goal while discovering Yeung's talent on the racing field, then decides to give up his former dissipated life and to accompany his son as he sets out to achieve his dream.
O Rei Macaco: A Lenda Começa
Jade Emperor
O Rei Macaco: A Lenda Começa é a versão reinventada por Hollywood do filme O Rei Macaco: Havoc no Palácio dos Céus, a origem e local de nascimento de A História do Rei Macaco.
Projeto Gutenberg
Um falsificador é pego pela polícia de Hong Kong e a Justiça lhe oferece depor contra uma importante rede de falsificação de dinheiro. Para impedir sua declaração, o líder da máfia o ameaça.
(archive footage)
Um piloto de corridas de carro acidentalmente volta no tempo para os anos 90 e tem a oportunidade de conhecer seu pai e entender melhor sua historia.
Guerra Fria
Oswald S.C. Kan
Na sequência do filme de ação de Hong Kong 2012, os rivais chefes de polícia M.B. Lee e Sean Lau devem trabalhar juntos para salvar a esposa e filha de Sean que foram sequestradas.
The Moment: Fifty Years of Golden Horse
Himself (archive footage)
In 2013, the Golden Horse Film Festival celebrated its 50th anniversary. The ministry of Culture commissioned director Yang Li-chou to make a documentary about the history of Golden Horse. What is unique to this film is that it's not an ode to celebrities but about the role cinema plays in ordinary people's lives. It's a love letter to cinema, filmmakers and audiences.
Ho Chung-ping
Johnnie To se aventura por um inusitado e estiloso musical, passado no mundo das grandes corporações. Em meio à crise global causada pelo colapso da Lehman Brothers, Miss Cheng, uma alta executiva temida e respeitada, se prepara para colocar sua empresa de um bilhão de dólares na bolsa. Ho Chung-ping, o presidente da empresa, que já foi seu mentor e agora é seu amante, prometeu-lhe uma gorda fatia das ações assim que o capital da companhia fosse aberto. Mas quando uma auditoria expõe anos de corrupção, a promessa de Chung-ping corre o risco de não se concretizar.
O Mestre dos Jogos 2
Depois de frustrar os planos criminais de lavagem de dinheiro do sindicato internacional, Ken (Chow Yun Fat) está pronto para sentar e aproveitar a vida. Seu plano para uma existência calma chega a um impasse quando seu protegido, Vincent (Shawn Yue) se junta a Interpol e pede sua ajuda de seu mestre para poder prender o mentor real do sindicato, Sr. Aoi.
O Mestre dos Jogos
O mundialmente famoso Mão Invencível, Ken, que poderia identificar não só os azulejos de Mahjong, mas também as cartas que o tornaram uma lenda, aposentou-se e agora voltou para sua cidade natal, Macau, onde é recebido pelos velhos companheiros. Um de seus principais amigos é Cool que é meio-irmão de Lionel um agente da Interpol que se infiltrou na máfia internacional do jogo; eles planejavam formar uma aliança com todas máfias do jogo ilegal do mundo.
A Lenda do Rei Macaco
Jade Emperor
Esse filme é baseado nos capítulos do famoso clássico romantico de Wu Cheng’en’s “Jornada ao Oeste”, e conta a história de como o Macaco Rei se rebela contra o Imperador Jade do Céu.
The Last Tycoon
Cheng Daqi
Cheng, a young man who is set up by the chief of police, must leave the life he knows and Qiu, the woman he loves, to start again. After escaping prison Cheng quickly and violently moves his way up the ladder of Shanghais criminal underworld to become on the most powerful mob bosses in Shanghais history. But fame and notoriety take their toll when Cheng finds himself stuck between the looming Japanese army and the scheming local secret service. Matters are only made worse when he bumps into the love of his life QIU, along with her writer husband. Will love re-kindle in the dusk of an era?
O Imperador
Chancellor Cao Cao
No ano de 198 aC, Cao Cao (Chow Yun Fat), primeiro-ministro da Dinastia Han, aventurou-se para o leste e derrotou o maior guerreiro da China, Lu Bu, aterrorizando todos os guerreiros ambiciosos do país. Vários anos depois, depois de levar o imperador Han sob sua asa, Cao se coroa o rei de Wei. Ele construiu uma magnífica Ilha de Sparrow de Bronze para simbolizar seu poder e rumores espalhados que ele substituiria o Imperador. Enquanto isso, os jovens amantes Mu Shun (Hiroshi Tamaki) e Ling Ju (Liu Yi-Fei) são levados de um campo de prisão para um túmulo escondido, onde passaram cinco anos cruéis juntos, treinando como assasinos para uma missão secreta. No ano de 220 aC, os sinais astronômicos predizem mudanças dramáticas. Como resultado, o filho de Cao Cao, Cao Pi (Yau Sam-Chi) e os seguidores de Cao Cao, exortaram Cao Cao a se tornar o novo Imperador, mas um enredo desconhecido contra ele.
Beginning of the Great Revival
Yuan Shikai
A chronicle of the events that led to the founding of the Chinese Communist Party.
Balas em Fúria
Huang Silang
Situado na China durante a guerra de 1920, o notório chefe dos bandidos Zhang desce sobre uma remota cidade da província se passando por seu novo prefeito, uma identidade que ele havia sequestrado de Old Tang, ele próprio um impostor de pequeno porte. Determinado a ganhar dinheiro rápido, Zhang logo encontra seu par na tirânica nobreza local Huang, enquanto uma batalha mortal de inteligência e brutalidade se inicia.
Conspiração Xangai
Anthony Lan-Ting
Paul Soames (John Cusack) é um americano que retorna para Xangai quatro meses antes do ataque a Pearl Harbor na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ele encontra a cidade tomada pelos japoneses e pela corrupção, e descobre que seu amigo foi assassinado. Enquanto tenta descobrir o motivo da morte, ele se envolve com uma bela mulher e desvenda um segredo muito maior que o governo americano está escondendo.
A Batalha Pelo Império
Em 500 a.C., durante o famoso “Período da Primavera e do Outono” na China, Kong Ze (Confúcio), um plebeu reverenciado por sua extraordinária sabedoria, é nomeado ministro da Lei no antigo Reino de Lu. Sob sua liderança inspirada, Lu ascende a novas alturas, mas se torna um alvo de conquista para a nação guerreira de Qi. Ameaçados pela aniquilação do vizinho poderoso, um povo desesperado recorre ao seu maior mestre para liderar seu exército mais poderoso. Quando Confúcio oferece uma impressionante vitória contra todas as probabilidades, uma aristocracia invejosa tenta destruí-lo, mas eles nunca devem subestimar um homem notável cuja sabedoria é mais poderosa do que a espada.
Dragonball Evolution
Master Roshi
Em seu aniversário de 18 anos, Goku ganha uma esfera do dragão mística de presente de seu avô. Existem apenas seis outras no mundo todo, e reza a lenda que será concedido um desejo a quem possuir todas as sete. Quando uma força obscura provoca uma tragédia, Goku e seus amigos embarcam em uma jornada épica para recolher as sete esferas do dragão e salvar o planeta da destruição.
Órfãos da Guerra
Chen Hansheng
Um jovem inglês lidera um grupo de 60 órfãos em uma jornada de 500 milhas pelo meio das perigosas montanhas nevadas de Liu Pan Shan até a fronteira com o deserto da Mongólia, onde estariam seguros. Nesse caminho ele se torna amigo de uma líder comunista e se apaixona por uma enfermeira americana.
The Postmodern Life of My Aunt
Zhichang Pan / 潘知常
Ye Rutang (Siqin Gaowa), a single-living woman in her late fifties, struggles to maintain a dignified life amid the dangers of Shanghai.
The Making of Stranglehold
The Making of Stranglehold is a fantastic look into the development of the classic video game being the last time Chow Yun-Fat and John Woo collaborated together.
Piratas do Caribe: No Fim do Mundo
Sao Feng
Will Turner e Elizabeth Swann unem forças com o Capitão Barbossa para libertarem Jack Sparrow da prisão de Davy Jones. Enquanto isso, a tripulação do barco fantasma O Holandês Voador causa estragos nos Sete Mares. Os amigos devem navegar através de águas perigosas para enfrentarem o pirata chinês São Feng e, finalmente, eles devem escolher em que lado ficar na batalha, pois a vida do pirata está em jogo.
A Maldição da Flor Dourada
Emperor Ping
China, século X. Na véspera do Festival Chong Yang, flores douradas enchem o palácio. O imperador (Yun-Fat Chow) regressa inesperadamente com o filho Jai (Jay Chou), com o pretexto de celebrar as festividades com a família, mas as relações tensas com a imperatriz (Li Gong) fazem suspeitar em outros motivos. Durante anos, a imperatriz manteve uma relação ilícita com o enteado, que por sua vez sonha fugir com o seu grande amor, a filha do médico imperial. Quanto ao príncipe Jai, preocupa-se sobretudo com a saúde da mãe e a sua obsessão crisântemos dourados. E, enquanto isso, o Imperador orquestra um plano secreto...
Waiting Alone
Fa Ge (cameo)
An award-winning audience favorite in China since it debuted, Waiting Alone tells the first-person-narrative of Wen (Xia Yu), a shop owner and aspiring author who feels that he's met his dream girl (Li Bingbing). The only problem is, he seems stuck in the friend-zone. Aided by his best friends and the one girl he completely trusts (Gong Beibi), he tries different ways to woo her...
Golden Chicken 2
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
The year is 2046 and 82 year old Golden Chicken Kum, spots a heartbroken man planning to take memory loss-pills. Claiming that Hong Kong people have a way of forgetting, she begins to recap part of her life story, starting in 2003 during a time where she was desperately looking for a husband and the SARS outbreak happened.
O Monge à Prova de Balas
The Nameless Monk
Há 60 anos o Monge Sem Nome protege um pergaminho sagrado, que lhe concede poderes mágicos. Prestes a se aposentar, o Monge precisa agora encontrar um substituto que possa dar prosseguimento à sua tarefa. O principal candidato é Kar, um malandro das ruas egoísta que, por um coincidência do destino, acaba salvando o Monge de ser capturado.
Golden Chicken
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
After his attempted robbery runs aground, a thief takes a shine to his would-be victim, a charming prostitute, who begins to tell him her life story.
Ultimate Fights from the Movies
archive footage
In their second film compilation following their 'Boogeymen:The Killer Compilation' series, FlixMix takes you into the history of action movies from Hollywood to Hong Kong cinema that spans a 20-year period. This one features action scenes from 16 action-packed movies featuring action gurus, Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh, Chow Yun-Fat, Jackie Chan, Jean-Claude Van Damme and many more.
An Autumn Diary
An Autumn's Tale footage
An Autumn Diary, a winning modern romance which takes inspiration - and even some footage - from the classic An Autumn's Tale, which starred Chow Yun Fat and Cherie Chung! Wing is a young woman who has patterned her romantic ideals after an old diary she discovered fourteen years ago. Within the diary's pages is recounted a heartwarming romantic tale of a young woman, who finds love with an uncouth country hick who, deep down, is a true gentleman.
O Tigre e o Dragão
Master Li Mu Bai
A história de duas mulheres, ambas exímias lutadoras, cujos destinos se tocam em meio a Dinastia Ching. Uma tenta se ver livre do constrangimento imposto pela sociedade local, mesmo que isso a obrigue a deixar uma vida aristocrática por outra de crimes e paixão. A outra, em sua cruzada de honra e justiça, apenas descobre as consequências do amor tarde demais. Os destinos de ambas as conduzirão uma violenta e surpreendente jornada, que irá forçá-las a fazer uma escolha que poderá mudar suas vidas.
Anna e o Rei
King Mongkut
Anna foi contratada para ensinar os 58 filhos do Rei de Sião sobre o mundo ocidental. A professora britânica, que é viúva, logo percebe as diferenças entre as duas culturas, e acaba educando o próprio Rei sobre a modernidade.
O Corruptor
Lieutenant Nick Chen
Nick Chen é um detetive especialista em artes marciais e, com o seu colega Danny Wallace, tenta evitar que diversas gangues de Chinatown, em Nova York, aniquilem umas às outras. Eles têm que controlar não só os gângsters com sede de poder, mas também a tentação ao suborno e a corrupção dos bandidos que dividem e conquistam as forças policiais. Chen e Wallace lutam para estabelecer a lei e evitar mais derramamento de sangue, o que parece ser uma batalha perdida.
Assassinos Substitutos
John Lee
John Lee, um matador profissional, entra em conflito com um chefão do crime quando se recusa a matar um menino de sete anos. Irritado, o gângster ordena sua morte. Enquanto tenta escapar, Lee acaba envolvido com Meg Coburn, uma excelente falsificadora de documentos que nunca conviveu com criminosos e que pode ajudá-lo com um passaporte. Os profissionais fazem de John e Meg seus alvos e os dois precisam se unir para escapar dos assassinos substitutos.
Eastern Heroes: The Video Magazine - Volume 2
Eastern Heroes: The Video Magazine - Volume 2 is a Documentary on Hong Kong cinema.
Eastern Heroes: The Video Magazine - Volume 1
Eastern Heroes: The Video Magazine - Volume 1 is a Documentary on Hong Kong cinema.
Peace Hotel
Wong A Ping / Killer
After his wife's murder, widow Wong A Ping sets up a Peace Hotel to act as a sanctuary for anyone who needs protecting. One day a mysterious women shows up who seeks shelter from a gang hunting her. Vowing to never turn anyone away, Wong A Ping must decide whether to help the women or risk confronting the gang.
God of Gamblers' Return
Ko Chun / 'The God of Gamblers'
Chow returns to play Ko Chun, a skilled gambler who now lives in retirement in France. Wu Xingguo plays an evil gangster who forces Ko out of retirement by killing his pregnant wife. Ko is forced to team up with a variety of other people to win out in the end. Wu Chien-lien plays Chow's romantic interest, Chingmy Yau plays a Taiwanese femme fatale, and Tony Leung provides much of the laughs.
Treasure Hunt
Jeffrey Chang Ching
A C.I.A. agent is assigned to go to Beijing to look for a hidden "treasure," which turns out to be a woman who has supernatural powers, and is the National Treasure of China.
Cinema of Vengeance
Himself (uncredited)
A documentary study of martial arts films and their leading protagonists. Included are profiles of such artists as Bruce Lee, Cynthia Rothrock, Jackie Chan, Jean-Claude Van Damme and John Woo favourite Chow Yun Fat.
Film ohne Fesseln - Das neue Hongkong Kino
A German documentary on Hong Kong cinema.
À Flor da Pele
Jeff / Gou Fei
Jeff trabalha como segurança de um Night Club em Bangkok. Para salvar a vida de seu amigo Sam que está devendo para um perigoso agiota, junta-se a Judge um alucinado e cruel traficante, num plano audacioso para roubar um carregamento de armas. O que ele não sabe é que esta marcado para morrer e será alvo de uma dupla traição. Durante o roubo, Jeff é alvejado e deixado para morrer numa casa em chamas da qual escapa instante antes dela explodir. Gravemente ferido consegue se esconder e é tido como morto na explosão. Após uma longa recuperação de volta a Hong Kong e descobre que sua namorada Mona e sue Amigo Sam, tornaram-se amantes. Pondo suas emoções de lado, Jeff agora só pensa em vingar de Jude e sua gang. Muita ação e emoção num filme em que Ringo Lam e Chow Yun-Fat redefinem a estética da ultraviolência.
Fervura Máxima
Insp. 'Tequila' Yuen
Em Hong Kong, Yuen (Chow Yun-Fat), um inspetor de polícia que é normalmente conhecido como Tequila, fica transtornado quando seu parceiro morre em um tiroteio com gângsters em uma casa de chá. Tequila então se une a Alan, um assassino profissional, para vingar o amigo e impedir que esta quadrilha mate gente inocente.
Now You See Love... Now You Don't
Ng San Shui
This is a screwball-comedy in Hong Kong style. Chow Yun Fat plays the spoiled village hetman of a tiny village in Hong Kong. The plot revolves around his love interest who has run off to work in downtown Hong Kong and many culture clashes between the peasants and urban life are highlighted.
Prisioneiro do Inferno 2
Chung Tin Ching
Ching escapa da prisão para ver seu filho, que foi colocado em um orfanato. Ele entrega-se às autoridades, mas o chefe vingativo de segurança, Zau, organiza tudo para Ching ser colocado nos olhos da quadrilha continental, liderado por Pong Fai-Long, conhecido como Dragão.
Rajadas de Fogo
Red Bean Puddin / Joe
Sob a proteção de um experiente criminoso, três órfãos se tornam sofisticados ladrões internacionais. Anos mais tarde, escalados pelo pai adotivo para roubar um valioso quadro, eles executam o trabalho com perfeição, mas acabam vítimas de uma trapaça. Chegou a hora de combinarem seus talentos, para realizarem o mais ousado plano de suas carreiras: dar o troco em quem os traiu, roubando de volta o tal quadro para deixar claro quem são os melhores profissionais do métier.
God of Gamblers II
Ko Chun / 'The God of Gamblers'
Wong Jing's sequel to All for the Winner and spin-off to God of Gamblers finds Chow Sing Cho looking up to Michael "Dagger" Chan in order to become Ko Chun's next disciple, but the two must put aside their differences when they discover that a gang boss is bent on ruining the God of Gamblers' name.
The Fun, the Luck & the Tycoon
Lam Bo Sun / Mr. Stink
Lam Bo Sun, the richest man in Hong Kong, is expected to marry the ditziest of socialites in a matter of weeks. On a whim, he leaves everything behind and gets a job as a lowly busboy at a noodle restaurant, and finds the girl of his dreams.
The Romancing Star III
Mechanic in flashback (uncredited)
This third franchise installment carries on the wacky romantic spirit of cheese auteur Wong Jing's earlier efforts, as four mismatched and contentious Hong Kong couples consider swapping partners but realize they're happier as they are.
Royal Straight Flush: Jogada Mortal
Ko Chun / 'The God of Gamblers'
Exímio jogador se mete em apuros quando é contratado para derrotar gângster em cassino. O homem que o contratou quer vingar a morte do pai e, quando o jogador impõe humilhante derrota ao mafioso, é ele que passa a ser perseguido.
Alvo Duplo 3
Mark Gor
Logo após a Guerra do Vietnã, Mark chega a Saigon para tentar retirar de lá seu primo e seu tio. As coisas se complicam e ele acaba se metendo numa grande confusão quando recorre a contrabandistas. Graças às influências da bela Kitty, eles acabam chegando a Hong Kong, mas os problemas de Mark, apaixonado por Kitty, estão apenas começando.
Triads: The Inside Story
Lee Man-Ho
Li Man-Ho comes to Hong Kong after his father's death following a double crossed peace meeting at the hands of a rival gang. The family's business begins to crumble as rival organizations stir violence and trouble in acknowledgment of this weakness. Li Man-Ho reluctantly agrees after pressure from other members to temporarily act as leader in order to restore stability and order. But he is soon faced with violence, betrayal and confusion, in this world he tried so long to avoid.
O Matador
Ah Jong
Um assassino (Chow Yun-Fat) aceita um último trabalho para juntar a quantia que falta para o pagamento da cirurgia oftalmológica de sua namorada Jennie (Sally Yeh), que ele cegou acidentalmente em uma missão. Traído por seu contratante, ele acaba tendo de juntar forças com o inspetor (Danny Lee) designado para prendê-lo. Nasce aí uma sangrenta parceria.
Máxima Voltagem
Sgt. Lau Chun-Pong
While conducting a raid of an illegal arms deal, detective Mew Mew discovers the body of a dead woman and her daughter who witnessed the murder. Believing that the girl may be in danger, Mew Mew seeks out her aunt Cher, and the three develop a bond, but Cher's ex-husband and a vengeful gunrunner soon show up to disrupt their short-lived peace.
All About Ah-Long
Ah Long
Chow Yun-fat plays Ah-Long, a father living a low-class lifestyle, while trying to raise his son, Porky. The strong bond between father and son is tested when a chance encounter from Ah-Long's ex-girlfriend changes the course of their lives.
City War
Dick Lee
Two cops--both partners and best friends--find their friendship and their lives at stake when they try to take down a ruthless drug dealer.
Goodbye My Friend
Goodbye My Friend is a Hong Kong Crime-Drama starring Chow Yun-Fat.
When Tat Fu Was Young
In 1913, 17-year-old Dafu travels from China to Japan to study. Japan is on the rise, a nation of proud people. China, on the other hand, is in turmoil. Dafu takes his demanding courses and racial discrimination in stride, but he finds his nascent manhood difficult to handle. In a hot-springs spa, he meets Lung Erh, his dream girl, but she soon disappears.
The Greatest Lover
Qian Jin / Nelson Chow
A delightful comedy about three illegal immigrants from China, one of whom (Chow) gets roped into a gentleman-training course - taught by Mui - in order to take revenge on some bitchy beauties who jilted a nasty fellow. Kinda like a gender-reversed My Fair Lady.
The Diary of a Big Man
Chow Ting Fat
A two-timing bigamist finds himself concocting scheme after scheme with his best friend, Chi Hung, to prevent either of his wives from discovering his bigamy. The unwanted intervention of a police officer as well as a series of unfortunate events lead to the wives discovery of the whole plot. They team up with Chi Hung's exasperated fiancée, Ka Lai, to exact revenge upon the two men.
Fractured Follies
Joe Leung
Joe, a reckless cab driver, accidentally hits someone with his taxi. The person he hit is May, a sweet girl who walks with a limp due to one of her legs being longer than the other. Joe mistakenly thinks that he's paralyzed May for life; so in order to make it up to her, he works for her family, helping them run their grocery store. Soon, Joe falls in love with May, but she's slow to return his affection.
Dois Tiras em Apuros
Sgt. Francis Li
Dupla de policiais tentam capturar poderoso mafioso tailandês, contando com a relutante ajuda da irmã do gângster.
The Eighth Happiness
Fang Chien Lang / Fong Kim Long
Three oddball brothers go looking for love but unfortunately, their out-there personalities get in the way!
The Romancing Star II
Big Mouth Fat [cameo]
Chow Yun Fat leaves his buddies Eric Tsang, Stanley Fung, and Nat Chan Bak Cheung to their own devices, so the first thing the trio do is get taken hostage in a bank robbery! The trio makes it onto TV, which equals instant celebrity, but the big station in town won't give them a job. Enter Andy Lau, who gives the guys their own talk show on a rival station, where they beat up their guests for being annoying. Meanwhile, a trio of comely females (including Elizabeth Lee and Carina Lau) move in next door, and the chase is on!
Alvo Duplo 2
Ken Gor / Ken Lee
Preso após os acontecimentos do primeiro filme, o bandido regenerado Ho faz um acordo com a polícia para deixar a prisão: atuar como informante infiltrado na quadrilha de falsificadores de dinheiro que ele costumava integrar. Seu caminho acaba se cruzando com o do irmão policial Kit, que não sabe que ele é um agente infiltrado, e com Ken, irmão gêmero do seu melhor amigo, o falecido pistoleiro Mark. O trio acaba juntando forças quando um novo chefão assume a quadrilha.
Prisioneiro do Inferno
41671 / Chung Tin Ching
Dentro de uma prisão chinesa dois detentos formam uma amizade e enfrentam a dificuldade que é viver lá dentro.
Spiritual Love
Pu Yung Tsai
This is a story about a triad enforcer who is a loser in love. He brings home a desk, which causes his place to be possessed by a ghost, played by the beautiful Cherie Chung. He saves her from a fate brought on by her past and they fall in love. The question is, can they stay in love.
Flaming Brothers
Two blood brothers (Chow Yun Fat and Alan Tang), who have grown up on the streets of Macau, are bound together by a special code of honour. However, this bond ultimately leads them into brutal conflict when they struggle to leave the violent world they live in.
An Autumn's Tale
Samuel Pang
A story about a New York Chinatown cab driver who falls for college student.
The Romancing Star
Wong Yat Fat
Ah Fat, foul-mouthed, along with his two close buddies, Traffic Light and Ugly, are working in a garage. Their boss, Ken, is harsh and stingy. However, a warm and close friendship has been established amongh the four. In order for Ah Fat to get over his heartbreak at getting dumped by his girlfriend, Ken suggests a tour to Penang to cheer him up. They come across two beautiful girls, Tung Tung and Man Chi, strolling leisurely on the beach as if they were very wealthy. Since then they decide who's whose. And Ah Fat, the winner, chooses Tung Tung to be his sole target. By the rules of the game, Ken, Traffic Light and Ugly have to compete to see who in the end will win the heart of Man Chi.
Rich and Famous
Boss Li Ah Chai
To pay off his debt as a gambler, a man drags his sister and step-brother into a life of crime and a violent war between rival gang lords.
Code of Honor
In Hong Kong, Ho Chen-tung is the aging Mob boss, living by a code of honor, keeping peace among rival factions. For years, he has been estranged from his son, Hui, who lives in Australia. Tung has become a sort of father to Han, a Vietnamese refugee who also lives by an ethical code. At the same time that Hui reaches out to his father, the Hong Kong CID conclude their years'-long effort to get the goods on Tung and his associates. Tung expects the younger gangsters to live by the code he loves, but at his trial, he has a surprise coming to him. It may be up to Han to restore the balance.
Scared Stiff
Inspector Chow
Alan and Halley are partners in a pest control company. Handsome Alan gets the girls and puffy Halley gets nothing. One night the two are injured in a car crash. Halley suffers slight injuries but Alan is dead for all purposes except his brain wave which still works actively. But when Halley cries over his "corpse", Alan bursts into ecplosive life. So the doctor decide to study this phenomenon and Alan agrees to be the guinea pig as he fancies the beautiful Dr. Emily. Halley discovers by accident a murder and is chased by the murderer who happens to be a police inspector...
Tragic Hero
Boss Li Ah Chai
After being released from prison, Tang Kat-Yung exacts revenge on Li Ah Chai, in this sequel to Rich and Famous.
Perigo Extremo
Ko Chow
A morte de um agente faz a polícia perder a última pista que levaria ao comando de um sindicato especializado em roubo de jóias. Koo Chow, designado por Lau, responsável pelo caso, infiltra-se no sindicato de chega a Foo, cabeça da organização que, antes de aceitá-lo no grupo, o submete a situações muito perigosas. A cada investida mal sucedida, a polícia vai fechando o cerco e chega cada vez mais próxima da linha de fogo.
My Will, I Will
After almost dying in a freakish accident, wealthy widow Wang Kam decides she needs a will. But unfortunately she does not have any hiers.
A Hearty Response
Ho Ting-Bon
During their last (botched) operation, Hong Kong cops Ho Ting-Bon and Long Man accidentally cause the slight head injury of a pretty young woman. Because she has entered the country illegally and has no other place to live, she pretends that she has amnesia and that she thinks Ting-Bon is her husband. He feels guilty about her "condition", so he lets her stay in his house. But there is someone from her past stalking her, with bad intentions...
The Seventh Curse
Action ensues as the cop and cohorts battle the evil sorcerer of the Worm Tribe, a hideous bloodthirsty baby like creature and "Old Ancestor," a skeleton with glowing blue eyes that transforms into a monster.
100 Ways to Murder Your Wife
Two men, Yun-Fat Chow and Kenny Bee, are both married and unhappy. Together they make diverse plans to murder their wives.
Love Unto Wastes
Detective Lan
Four young people spend their time living the wild life - until one of them is brutally murdered in a burglary. The survivors come under the scrutiny of an eccentric cop, and their underlying fears and regrets slowly but surely emerge.
Alvo Duplo
Mark Gor / Mark Lee
Dois irmãos, um policial e outro marginal, se envolvem com o violento submundo do Hong Kong. Apesar das diferenças, ambos são muitos unidos. Kit é um jovem idealista que tenta fazer carreira na polícia, sem jamais imaginar que seu irmão mais velho, Ho, trabalha para o sindicato do crime. Ho decide mudar de vida assim que finalizar seu último serviço: mediar um carregamento de dinheiro falso para Taipei. Infelizmente, seus planos fracassam quando um de seus encarregados o trapaceia, colocando-o na prisão. Após cumprir pena, ele procura imediatamente pelo irmão policial, que está totalmente engajado na luta contra a máfia chinesa. Este o rejeita e o acusa da morte do pai. Ho tenta, então, levar uma vida honesta como motorista de táxi, mas seus antigos comparsas não estão disposto a perder o preciso colaborador. Para acabar com o inimigo comum, a única saída para Ho e Kit é terminar com a rivalidade e lutar juntos por suas próprias vidas.
The Missed Date
The Missed Date is a Hong Kong Romance starring Chow Yun-Fat.
Dream Lovers
Song Yu
Chow Yun-Fat and Brigitte Lin have their incredible talents used to the hilt in this romantic mystery about a pair of tragic lovers from 2100 years before now reincarnated in modern Hong Kong.
Witch from Nepal
A Hong Kong man goes on vacation to Nepal where a local tribe imbues him with magical powers which he must use to fight a growing evil.
Lost Romance
Charles / Ga Ming
Rose (Maggie Cheung) and her big brother Charles (Chow Yun-fat) live a fairy-tale existence in their seaside villa. Rose is young, beautiful, and spoiled - in a word, irresistible. Disappointed in love, she moves to Paris. When Charles dies suddenly, she rushes back to Hong Kong to take over the family estate. Fate intervenes when she meets Ka-ming (also played by Chow Yun-fat), who is the exact image of her late brother. The two fall in love, but their romance is in the hands of a not always benevolent fate.
The Lunatics
A psychiatrist donates his time to help the mentally ill street people of Hong Kong. A reporter who hears about his activities accompanies him on his rounds.
Why Me?
Mr Chow
The tragic story of Fat Cat, a mentally retarded man who endures the mistreatment of the local villagers, and Koko, the idealistic social worker who tries to give him a better life. Koko's battle against ignorance and apathy on Fat Cat's behalf takes its toll on them both.
Derek Sun
Liang Pao-erh joins the carefree “Spinsters’ Club” when she discovers her husband is having an affair. Despite the seemingly happy front that her “sisters” put on, underneath it all each of them secretly yearns for a man in their lives. When her repentant husband begs forgiveness, Liang is forced to decide on what she truly wants.
Hong Kong 1941
Yip Kim-Fay
Years later, a woman narrates her personal story of the Japanese takeover of Hong Kong in 1941. She's Nam, young, attractive, daughter of a wealthy rice merchant, and prey to painful, disabling seizures. Her boyhood friend is Coolie Keung, whose family used to have wealth; he's now impoverished, a tough kid, a leader, in love with her. Into the mix steps Fay, cool and resourceful, an actor from the north, intent on getting to Gold Mountain in the US or Australia. They form a threesome, but the day they are to leave Hong Kong, the invasion stops them. Fay must rescue Keung from collaborators, Nam falls in love with Fay, and danger awaits their next attempt to escape.
The Occupant
Insp Valentino Chow
The Occupant is about a young woman (Sally Yeh) who is trying to write a book/thesis on chinese superstitions. So she arrives in HK and rents a really cheap apartment. In the meantime, she befriends Raymond Wong's shady salesman desperate for a little R&R and Chow Yun Fatt's cop. Well, her apartment is haunted by the spirit of a deceased singer, hence the cheap rent.
Love in a Fallen City
Fan Liu-Yuan
Taking place in 1941, Love in a Fallen City centers on Pai, a young woman who has been ostracized by her family for divorcing her rich husband. A local match-maker, Mrs. Hsu, takes pity on Pai and decides to bring her to Hong Kong, under the guise of employing her as the Hsu's nanny, but in reality to introduce her to Fan. Pai and Fan seem to hit it off, but Fan's refusal to marry Pai soon sours things. However, as the Japanese begin to invade Hong Kong, the two begin to realize their true feelings for each other.
Last Affair
Kwong Ping
A lonely Chinese woman in Paris starts an affair with an womanizer musician.
Blood Money
Bullet (as Chow Yun-Fat)
A family of stuntmen in 1980’s Hong Kong suffer the waning of the kung-fu movie industry, relatives from the mainland in HK without papers and the general disregard for safety from the HK film industry.
The Bund Part II
The Bund
Hui Man Keung
After losing everything, a young man rebuilds his life and finds love in 1920s Shanghai -- all while rising to power in an organized crime syndicate.
The Postman Fights Back
Fu Jun
Four heroes embark on a secret mission for Dr Sun Yat Sen's Nationalist Guard. Relentlessly pursued by the warriors of notorious Warlord Yue Sai Hoi, they have seven days to reach the Lo Yang Pass with their secret cargo.
The Head Hunter
Yuen Lik/Nguen Dich
Former Vietnamese soldier Nguyen Dich (Chow Yun-Fat) comes to HK after the Vietnam war, as a professional killer for a gang leader. Here he meets and falls in love with Vicky Lee (Rosamund Kwan). He is ordered to kill her father, and later given the order to kill her too as she started to suspect him. She then discovers that he is responsible for her fathers death...
The Story of Woo Viet
Woo Viet
Wu Viet is a Vietnamese refugee who wants to leave his country behind and start over in the United States. First, he must make his way to Hong Kong, but as he passes through Thailand, he meets a beautiful woman who travels with him. Wu and his new love end up in a refugee camp in Thailand, where they discover many of their countrymen are disappearing under mysterious circumstances. As Wu tries to learn the truth about what's happening, he discovers his life is in danger, and he must flee to the Philippines for safety.
The Executor
Ng Tao
Chow Yun-Fat and Danny Lee star in this police action film. Two cops are trying to capture a triad boss, but are interrupted by hitman played by Chow Yun-Fat. This is one of those unique combination Hong Kong movies with action, comedy, and violence.
Soul Ash
No overview available though this involves ghosts.
Modern Heroes
Sgt Chu Hwa Tai
A young still relatively unknown Chow Yun Fat stars in this low-budget critically panned police action-comedy. Fresh out of the academy, straight-laced and obtuse rookie cop Chu quickly lands in hot water when his integrity and by-the-book manner gets his colleagues in trouble. When he accidentally exposes his British boss' illegal gambling ring, the humiliated now ex-cop sends a gang of roughguards after Chu.
Joy to the World
Yam Chung-Lung
God Father
A combination of God Of Gamblers and The Sting. Git is a young mechanic working for his uncle in a small garage. Git's cousin is tricked out of a large amount of money by a card sharp, and Git promises revenge. But the card sharp, called "Card Devil", works for the ruthless gang boss Kwok, and Git is also tricked. Having pledged the garage against the debt, Git desperately seeks the assistance of the one man who is up to the task of tricking the crooks, Ghost Eye.
A young woman suffering amnesia is separated from her husband and abducted by the owner of a brothel.
Their Private Lives
Ko Ming Chung
Ko Ming Chung, a wildly popular movie actor is having an illicit affair with similarly popular thespian Ai Ling. Though Ming Chung's wife quietly puts up with this infidelity, so long as he does not try to leave her, Ai Ling's spouse is less forgiving, a middle-aged oaf prone to violence. When the tabloids get wind of the liaison, the two secret lovers find themselves headline news throughout the colony. Ming Chung's wife soon starts to mount a media blitz, painting Ai Ling as a husband-stealing, home-wrecking shrew.
Hot Blood
Ah Cheng
Chow Yun Fat plays a police inspector named Cheng who is killed in the line of duty while trying to nab a crook. One of his close friends, Chang Lei (Cheung Lui), decides to take back his resignation letter and track down the crook at any cost.
Bed for Day, Bed for Night
The Hunter, the Butterfly and the Crocodile
A Hong Kong cop finds himself up to his neck in trouble when he encounters a tricky bunch of crooks and triads.
Massage Girls
Ah Gin
A young police officer goes undercover in a brothel.
Learned Bride Thrice Fools the Bridegroom
The Reincarnation
Cold War III
Oswald Kan
The follow-up to the movies "Cold War" (2012) - and "Cold War II" (2016)